BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120921T000000Z DTEND:20120922T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=""> </a> <a href="">Buy tickets online</a> o r purchase by phone: 408-293-9344.\n\nSan Jose Taiko draws inspiration fro m the digital-driven Silicon Valley for its &ldquo\;Rhythm Spirit 2012: T aiko+Technology&rdquo\; production September 21 and 22. The company will be at an exciting new venue this year: <a href="http://schoolofartsandcul">the School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza</a > .\, and SJT will partner with the <a href=" /sanjose-taiko">ZERO1 Biennial</a> to explore the art form of taiko thro ugh collaboration with technologist/artists. The production can already b e enjoyed by audiences as SJT shares the process through its social media channels (see below).\n\nStay tuned for more updates as we share our behi nd-the-scenes glimpse into our process for creating work.&nbsp\; We'll be posting often on <a href="">Facebook< /a> \, <a href="">Twitter</a> \, <a href="">YouTube</a> \, <a href="http://sanjos">Tumblr</a> \, and periodically on <a href="http://soun">Soundcloud</a> .\n\n3 Shows:\n Friday\, Septembe r 21 - 8:00PM\n Saturday\, September 22 - 2:00PM &amp\; 8:00PM\n\nWe are d elighted to be at a NEW VENUE this year:\n\n<a href="http://schoolofartsan">School of Arts &amp\; Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza</a> \n 1700 Alum Rock Avenue\n San Jose\, CA 95116\n\nTicket prices if purcha sed in advance: Adults: $25&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Students/Seniors $20\n Ticket pr ices at the door: $30/$25\n Group rates available\n\nThank you to our par tners for making this production possible: ZERO1 Biennial\, School of Art s &amp\; Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza\, LiveSV\, CreaTV\, and the Ci ty of San Jose\n\n<a href="">http://taiko.or g/rhythmspirit/</a> DTSTAMP:20240609T084638Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko's Rhythm Spirit 2012: Taiko + Technology URL:/en/events/2012/09/21/san-jose-taikos-rhythm-spirit-2012-taiko-techn/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR