BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120809T000000Z DTEND:20120809T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A Chicago CD Release/Press Party presented by ENERI Communicati ons is scheduled for Thursday\, August 9\, 2012 at Caf&eacute\; Sushi\, 13 42 North Wells Street\, Chicago\, Illinois from 12 p.m. &ndash\; 1:30 p.m. The event will be hosted by radio personality Rick O&rsquo\;Dell. Media w ishing to attend should request credentials by e-mail to ENERI\n\nCommunic ations at by August 3\, 2012. The reception is being und erwritten in part by Philip Wong\, Esq. A limited number of tickets will b e available to fans at the cost of $20 each\, which includes the CD. For a vailability\, please RSVP to by August 3\, 2012. \n &nbs p\;\n Tatsu Aoki will appear and perform at the Chicago CD Release/Press P arty\, along with Amy Homma\, Rika Lin and Lori Ashaikawa from Toyoaki Sha misen Ensemble.\n\nIn special appearance\, Grand Master Shunojo Fujima fro m Fujima Ryu of Chicago\, will take care of Kimono dressing for the Ensemb le ladies that day\, who will look&nbsp\; spectacular.\n\nOn taiko will be Noriko Sugiyama\, Jun Tnakanarita and Kiyomi Negi Tran from Tsukasa Taiko .&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240611T202048Z SUMMARY:Tatsu Aoki's TOYOAKIMOTO CD RELEASE/PRESS PARTY URL:/en/events/2012/08/09/tatsu-aokis-toyoakimoto-cd-releasepress-party/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR