BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140510T000000Z DTEND:20140510T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month\, Eyewitness New s Anchor David Ono and ABC7 present "Witness - The Legacy of Heart Mountai n" in prime time on Saturday\, May 10\, 2014 from 9 to 10 PM on KABC-TV Ch annel 7.\n\nHeart Mountain is a spectacular and beautiful backdrop to a st ory of triumph and tragedy. Over seventy years ago\, an internment camp fi lled with 10\,000 Japanese Americans sat in the shadow of the mountain.\n\ nIt was just a few miles outside Cody\, Wyoming\, where the land is rugged and the weather is brutal. It's where American citizens were imprisoned b ehind barbed wire and guard towers for no other reason than because of the ir heritage. Eight out of 10 were from Los Angeles.\n\nFeaturing the South ern California internees of this Japanese internment camp located in Heart Mountain\,Wyoming during WWII\, David Ono investigates what happened thro ugh one of the largest private photo collections taken there as well as ta lking with notables such as former U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Mi neta\, U.S. Senator Alan Simpson and Judge Lance Ito. He also goes on loca tion to the actual site where an interpretive center has been built and he gives the viewer a first hand glimpse of what remains.\n\nThis fresh and beautifully photographed story by co-producers David Ono and Jeff MacIntyr e have received great reviews from surviving internees as well as their ch ildren and grandchildren to understand what happened during this dark time in history.\n\nThe documentary has received a regional Edward R. Murrow A ward from the Radio Television Digital News Association and is competing f or the national award in June. DTSTAMP:20240609T085916Z SUMMARY:"Witness: The Legacy of Heart Mountain" to air on ABC7 URL:/en/events/2014/05/10/witness-the-legacy-of-heart-mountain-to-air-on/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR