BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220326T000000Z DTEND:20220327T000000Z DESCRIPTION:After the roaring success of our first Spring All Things Japane se Sale in March 2021\, we have decided to do it all again in 2022! This r ummage sale will have something for everyone including ceramics\, lacquer\ , traditional Japanese dolls\, fans\, clothing &amp\; textiles\, accessori es\, plush toys\, jewelry\, books and much more! There is something for ev eryone with thousands of items being put up for sale and prices starting a t just $0.25!\n\nIncome generated from the event will go toward supporting the mission of JCCCW to preserve\, promote\, and share Japanese and Japan ese American culture and heritage.\n\nAll major credit cards &amp\; cash a ccepted.\n\nOpen to the public! Click the link below to learn more and to find out how to donate items for the sale!\n\n<a href="https://l.facebook. com/l.php? LGqIHn6dtICnIg8u1kRPSL7X1hfGa90j23lNjb3p53gtk&amp\;h=AT2WzmW5sStkwNgSFRFNo 729GzhfOuUnTZehRTWhqkGZlXJZccSAp_SzoCOkdP_2sF0plRgQcseUwcLAfxNWLACJpnxrfSN 7ertciuTzNqSFbN_jQTA67snZ7a1uZa5amCpb&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT2IaHgTyapL 7CXhPo9TeZ3z4wt9WdW_aJurQ-AjRvi64IoHQUNZiOJZWqZ5aM01Wxij-sEMAaLRdSReFmYGW7 hbSPLT8DccudMHmiiaqIC7xG_je8OAtsvhP0nzXkuiUpSffJlG3NoZGfO8Kx-nnw_TuZ1qjl-7 dTRk-uvi_mWLytI" target="_blank"></a>\n\n*Please note: We will be limiting the total number of customers in the Sale at a time and\, depending on demand\, customers may be waiting outside for a nu mber of minutes before they are able to enter. DTSTAMP:20240603T000503Z SUMMARY:Spring All Things Japanese Sale URL:/en/events/2022/03/26/spring-all-things-japanese-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR