BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220408T000000Z DTEND:20220410T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Complementing the group exhibition <a href="https://urldefense ick-3Fu-3D8f6225035559bd7f7f4817746-26id-3Da402fd80bb-26e-3Dc14e628e94&amp \;d=DwMFaQ&amp\;c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&amp\;r=Wp0jaCgvjT-JFbpNfpoCAiRrLS m_DeHkE6V49oSqUxk&amp\;m=aJ960KApYZeSphCukHMRUlagtZD6pdI9WdzNF4xiZoqXXqHhG W2Wh09SUZ0d810J&amp\;s=1XzUKLsQWwnYtyIZb9R-DLigDmEn_a1OfIZs5uebqfM&amp\;e= " target="_blank"><em>No Monument: In the Wake of the Japanese American In carceration</em></a>\, guest curated by Genji Amino with Christina Hiromi Hobbs\, the Japanese American National Museum (JANM) brings its pop-up dis play of the Allen Hendershott Eaton Collection to The Noguchi Museum for o ne weekend.\n\nThis collection of art and craft objects created by Japanes e Americans while incarcerated in American concentration camps during Worl d War II was transferred to JANM in 2015. The pop-up display includes phys ical or digital representation of every item in the collection—more than 400 photographs\, sculptures\, paintings\, vases\, beads\, nameplates\, a nd other items handmade by Japanese Americans while enduring incarceration .\n\n<em>Contested Histories</em> is intended to “crowd source” infor mation about each object so that JANM’s efforts to preserve and catalog the collection can be as complete as possible. Camp survivors and their fa mily members and friends will be encouraged to share with JANM information they know or remember about the objects\, including who is depicted in th e many photographs\, most of which were shot by photographers working for the War Relocation Authority. Presentations about the collection will be o ffered throughout each day.\n\nAdmission to <em>Contested Histories </em >is free\, but must be scheduled in advance. Tickets include admission to The Noguchi Museum and <em>No Monument</em>. Limited walk-up tickets will be available based on capacity. Museum hours are 11 am–6 pm. Reserve free timed tickets at <a href=" =https-3A__noguchi.us12.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D8f6225035559bd 7f7f4817746-26id-3D4cdeb1f51f-26e-3Dc14e628e94&amp\;d=DwMFaQ&amp\;c=slrrB7 dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&amp\;r=Wp0jaCgvjT-JFbpNfpoCAiRrLSm_DeHkE6V49oSqUxk&amp\;m =aJ960KApYZeSphCukHMRUlagtZD6pdI9WdzNF4xiZoqXXqHhGW2Wh09SUZ0d810J&amp\;s=n V10JMJOvuyWYsHDN1Uu2vFQufgCnzdE8yrCQqOQdRs&amp\;e=" target="_blank">ticket</a>.\n\nMembers of the Japanese American community may also make priority reservations by email to <a href="mailt %20Museum%2C%20April%208-10" target="_blank"></a> or by calling <a href="tel:7182047088\;205" target="_blank">718.204.7088 ex t 205</a>.\n\nFor more about <em>Contested Histories</em> and its trave l itinerary\, visit <a href=" ttps-3A__noguchi.us12.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D8f6225035559bd7f 7f4817746-26id-3Da509dc2f07-26e-3Dc14e628e94&amp\;d=DwMFaQ&amp\;c=slrrB7dE 8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&amp\;r=Wp0jaCgvjT-JFbpNfpoCAiRrLSm_DeHkE6V49oSqUxk&amp\;m=a J960KApYZeSphCukHMRUlagtZD6pdI9WdzNF4xiZoqXXqHhGW2Wh09SUZ0d810J&amp\;s=P6v 7dXHC9bOV5sMr5GvISeEqALbpaXZF66m907CNiBI&amp\;e=" target="_blank"> /contested-histories</a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T121108Z SUMMARY:Contested Histories: Art and Artifacts from the Allen Hendershott E aton Collection URL:/en/events/2022/04/08/contested-histories-art-and-artifacts-from-the-al / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR