BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221105T000000Z DTEND:20221105T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Bunka no Hi (Japanese Culture Day) is a holiday in Japan celebr ating Japanese culture. Bunka no Hi at the JCCCW\, or Japanese Culture Day \, is a free cultural festival dedicated to celebrating\, commemorating\, and educating the public about Japanese and Japanese American culture in t he Seattle area. Children\, families\, and the general public are encourag ed to attend this free event!\nThis year\, the Bunka no Hi festival will c enter around the theme of “paper.” We will feature papercraft activiti es and exhibits on Japan’s unique way of using paper such as origami\, k irigami (folding\, then cutting paper) and kiri-e (paper-cutting). There w ill also be unique demonstrations and performances\, including martial art s such as iai battojutsu (a type of traditional martial art using swords) kamishibai (storytelling)\, karate\, classical dance\, tea ceremony\, taik o (Japanese drumming) and more!\n\nPlease check back our event website for the event details and safety guidelines upon your visit.\n\nhttps://www.j DTSTAMP:20240608T063944Z SUMMARY:Bunka no Hi URL:/en/events/2022/11/05/bunka-no-hi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR