BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230211T000000Z DTEND:20230211T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\n<a href ="\;txobjid=583a c87d-91df-4771-a4ed-0efc13499b7d" target="_blank">IN PERSON RSVP </a>     <a href="\; txobjid=3ebf7a2e-ab20-4e42-b336-f804f901c556" target="_blank">VIRTUAL RSVP </a>\n\nDuring World War II\, the West Coast Japanese Americans lacked the power to overcome politics and prejudice to forestall their imprisonment by the US government. Although their voices were not heard in 1942\, the i ncarcerees speak over the passage of time about the importance of protecti ng civil liberties for all. Through readings\, music\, art\, and poetry\, descendants and allies of incarcerees bring life to voices featured in the book <em>When Can We Go Back to America?</em> by<strong> Susan H. Kame i.</strong> We must hear\, remember\, and carry forward their messages.\n \nThe program will feature readings from <em>When Can We Go Back to Ameri ca?</em> by Sansei (third generation) and Yonsei (fourth generation) Japa nese Americans whose family members were incarcerees and members of the 10 0th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team\; art from the exhibit  <em>Resilience – A Sansei Sense of Legacy</em>\; a performance of “C itizen 13660: Vignettes” for string and clarinet quintet composed by <s trong>Chad Cannon</strong>\, based on illustrations from Miné Okubo’s b ook Citizen 13660\; and poetry by incarcerees included in the book\, prese nted by <strong>traci kato-kiriyama</strong>\, artist and author of<em>  Navigating With(out) Instruments.</em>\n\n<em>This program is presented in partnership with the USC Shinso Ito Center for Japanese Religions and Cul tures.</em>\n\n<em>Image credit: Jerry Takigawa\, E.O. 9066</em> DTSTAMP:20240608T034610Z SUMMARY:Voices of the Japanese American Incarceration URL:/en/events/2023/02/11/voices-of-the-japanese-american-incarceration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR