BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230311T000000Z DTEND:20230311T000000Z DESCRIPTION:"Spin-off" - Nagata Shachu’s second concert of its 25th Anni versary 2022-2023 season\, will feature world champion break dancers B-boy Onton &amp\; B-girl Konatsu of Supernaturalz Crew\, breaking to the beats of DMC world champion DJ Dopey and Nagata Shachu. In this unexpected but exhilarating collaboration\, the traditional taiko inspires Canada’s be st and most creative DJ and B-boy\\B-girl talent in a way never attempted before. \n\nB-girl Konatsu (originally from Japan) and Toronto-born B-bo y Onton are world champion break dancers representing Team Canada in mul tiple world events and the future Paris 2024 Olympics. They currently are sponsored athletes\, winning multiple world &amp\; international champions hips. Together they can be easily recognized as one of the best breaking c ouples in the world. \n\nA founding member of the Turntable Monkz\, and a DMC World Champion\, DJ Dopey is one of Canada’s premiere DJ talents. In his over seventeen years as a DJ/Turntablist\, DJ Dopey has shared sta ges with artists such as Eminem\, Slum Village\, Kardinal Offishall\, Dra gonette\, and Steve Aoki.\n\n<strong>Tickets:</strong> <a href="https://n p\;id=25ec6ee8ab&amp\;e=2f12f13da3" target="_blank">https://harbourfrontce</a>\nMarch 11\, 2023 @ 8 pm\nFleck Dance Theatre. 207 Queen's Quay West.\n$35-$45 adults\, $25-$35 seniors and students\n\n 20% Early Bird discount until Jan. 31.  Use code <strong>NSEB25</strong> \n\n\; DTSTAMP:20240611T040842Z SUMMARY:Toronto's Nagata Shachu Taiko presents: Spin-off concert URL:/en/events/2023/03/11/torontos-nagata-shachu-taiko-presents-spin-off-c/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR