BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230225T000000Z DTEND:20230225T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join longtime activist\, elected official\, and community membe r <strong>Warren T. Furutani</strong> for the launch of his new memoir\,  <strong>ac-tiv-ist\, noun: a person who works to bring about political o r social change</strong>. In his book\, Furutani explores his decades-long career in organizing and public service and how he found his voice. The p rogram will be highlighted by musical performances\, including live music by jason chu\, Joe Virata\, and Alan and Marsha Furutani\, and special gu est speaker Mark Pulido. The program will be followed by a book signing wi th Warren Furutani!\n\n<em>This program is co-presented with JANM’s Nati onal Center for the Preservation of Democracy.</em>\n<em></em>\n<em>The JA NM Book Club is a series of Public Programs that highlight important new l iterary works related to Japanese American history and culture.</em>\n<em> <em>act•iv•ist noun: a person who works to bring about political or so cial change</em><em> </em>is available at the JANM Store. <a href="https ://">BUY NOW</a></em>\n<span style="font- weight: normal\;"><em></em>\n<span style="font-weight: normal\;"><em>About the book:</em>\nIn his new memoir\,<strong> act-iv-ist\, noun: a person who works to bring about political or social change\,</strong> Warren T. Furutani writes about his experiences of being a student\, community and p olitical activist for more than fifty years. He reflects on his personal e volution and growth through organizing the Asian and Pacific Islander Amer ican social justice movement\, his career in community service\, his persp ective on current issues\, and lessons that he learned from different time s in his life.\n\nFurutani reveals the struggles\, pitfalls\, and triumphs of public service with humor and insight about mentors\, colleagues\, and friends who guided his career and shaped him as a person. He also offers advice to politicians\, educators\, and community leaders on how to get th e job done. <strong>act-iv-st </strong>includes Furutani’s thoughts ab out issues such as anti-Asian hate\, the homeless crisis\, the COVID-19 pa ndemic\, Black Lives Matter\, and immigration.\n\n<em>Photo credit: Gift of Warren Furutani\, 98.339.1</em>\n<a href="http://9644p.blackbaudhosting .com/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=b09df488-074d-415d-b1f2-5b42a93f1f5f "></a>\n<a href=" \;txobjid=b09df488-074d-415d-b1f2-5b42a93f1f5f">RSVP NOW</a>\n<strong><spa n style="color: #c21313\;">Tickets to this program include admission to JA NM for Saturday\, February 25\, 2023. Pricing reflects general museum admi ssion pricing. Learn more about visiting JANM at <a href="https://www.jan"></a>.</strong> DTSTAMP:20240607T095659Z SUMMARY:JANM Book Club: act-iv-ist with Warren Furutani URL:/en/events/2023/02/25/janm-book-club-act-iv-ist-with-warren-furutani/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR