BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230717T000000Z DTEND:20230717T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Matsue City is steeped in history\, from carefully preserved sa murai residences and tea houses to the majestic fortress of <strong>Matsu e Castle</strong>. Completed in 1611\, Matsue Castle is one of only a few castles in Japan to retain its original castle keep and is designated a na tional treasure. At this talk\, <strong>Matsue Mayor Akihito Uesada</stro ng> illuminates the city’s fascinating samurai history\, rich cultural heritage and culinary treasures. The program includes an exclusive viewing of a historical reenactment video of the construction and establishment o f Matsue Castle. Previously only available on-site at the Matsue City Muse um\, this video is being shown for the first time outside Japan—at Japan Society. Attendees will also discover Matsue’s culture first-hand throu gh special on-stage demonstrations by some of the city’s highly skilled craftspeople.\n\n<em>Followed by a reception featuring samples of some of Matsue’s culinary specialties\, including a variety of delicious teas\, sweets and sake. Attendees will receive a gift bag featuring products from Matsue.</em> DTSTAMP:20240608T174820Z SUMMARY:Get to Know Matsue: The Castle Town &amp\; Its Tea Culture URL:/en/events/2023/07/17/get-to-know-matsue-the-castle-town-its-tea-cult/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR