BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230826T000000Z DTEND:20230827T000000Z DESCRIPTION:When: Saturday\, August 26th (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) &amp\; Sunday\, August 27th (10 a.m. - 2 p.m.)\n\n* Preview Sale on Friday\, August 25th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (Admission Required\, Price TBC)\n\nWhere: Japanese Cultural &amp\; Community Center of Washington\, 1414 S. Weller St.\, Seat tle\, WA 98144\n\nWhat:\nThe Summer All Things Japanese Sale event is back ! Our one-of-a-kind rummage sale has something for everyone — dishware a nd tableware\, dolls and toys\, fabrics and textiles and so much more! Tho usands of Japanese and Japanese-inspired items are available\, with prices as low as $0.25!\nIncome generated from this event will go toward support ing the JCCCW’s mission of cultivating Japanese language\, culture\, and community in the Pacific Northwest.\n\nAll major credit cards &amp\; cash accepted.\n\n[Donate your Japanese Items! ]\nIf you have any Japanese ite ms looking for a new home\, we can help! We accept artwork\, apparel (incl uding kimono)\, decor\, dishware\, kitchen goods\, toys\, and more. Donati ons for ATJS may be dropped off at Hosekibako’s alley entrance off 16th Ave. S\, between Weller St. and King St. — the green door with the black gate!\n\nDonations of Japanese items are accepted between 10 a.m. and 3 p .m.\, Thursday - Sunday each week.\n\nFor any donation-related questions a nd information\, please contact\n\n[Volunteer Opportu nities! ]\nWe’re looking for volunteers to help prepare for the sale — during the day on Friday\, August 25th — as well as people to help with running the sale on Friday evening\, and Saturday and Sunday. Sign up for volunteering at the event will become available on the ATJS website in la te July!\n\nWebsite: <a href=" 9j6yzYenfFpG_F5-r8IwQ&amp\;h=AT2DktjfxXaNDINsrRL7yQEIIAedtTKtJ8nzN61GjHrbO ghtOKjUPCLQYBKJgrqKPqJPqEo_VtPcoeMZfI4VmqZJ6RqWBCCUDLbPvSJXIVM0gFEfzIazrse GbeuEyLJLBH5Q&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT1S-g_T3EMLm8D-rHcDpNxMArXgMWoU0Tvo RWCMmhUvfGvcQoH2Fon0emQzyOtMAQzCUNglhipRMv4FryJbXgcGU69SCA9D_NmhfziWkv4d0f Fi1_NNqUxFSCQe2LN02pmW2G1WcgrZ0rxd0WNV6PCxzB7k" target="_blank">https://ww</a> DTSTAMP:20240608T183930Z SUMMARY:Summer All Things Japanese Sale URL:/en/events/2023/08/26/summer-all-things-japanese-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR