BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050917T000000Z DTEND:20050917T000000Z DESCRIPTION:[inline:1]\n<b>Manzanar Guard Tower Dedication and Special Even ts set for September 17</b>\n\nDate: Saturday\, September 17\, 2005\nTime s: 11:00 ceremony + afternoon events\, see details below\nLocation: Manza nar National Historic Site\, 5001 Hwy. 395\, Independence\, CA 93526\n\nIn summer 1942\, shortly after ten thousand Japanese Americans arrived at Ma nzanar War Relocation Center\, the U.S. Army constructed eight 37-foot-hig h guard towers around the perimeter of the mile-square camp. Each tower wa s equipped with a search light and machine gun and staffed by Military Pol ice. Today\, National Park Service employees are reconstructing one of the towers in its historic location on the east boundary of the site.\n\nOn S aturday\, September 17\, 2005\, the National Park Service and Friends of M anzanar will host a dedication event at 11:00 a.m\, near the guard tower. Following the ceremony\, Manzanar History Association (MHA) will provide l ight refreshments and members of the Grateful Crane Ensemble will perform 1940s songs from their recent Camp Dance CD.\n\nAt 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. \, MHA will host a talk\, reading and booksigning by critically acclaimed poet <a href="/wiki/Lawson_Fusao_Inada">Lawson Fusao Inada</a>. A third-ge neration (Sansei) Japanese American who was interned with his family durin g World War II\, Inada is currently a professor of English at Southern Ore gon University. Considered by some to be the father of Asian-American lite rature\, Inada’s recent works include <i>Legends From Camp</i>\, <i>Draw ing The Line</i>\, and <i>Only What We Could Carry: The Japanese American Internment Experience</i>. Mr. Inada will be available to sign books betwe en his readings.\n\nFrom 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.\, Jennifer Anderson\, a st udio artist employed by Hiromi Paper International in Santa Monica\, will demonstrate traditional Japanese bookbinding techniques. The bindings know n as yotsume toji and daifuku cho use only four and two holes respectively \, are simple and elegant and have been used for a variety of purposes fro m novels to ledgers. These books can be made from a variety of papers with simple tools. Ms. Anderson has a Masters of Fine Arts in printmaking and bookarts from the University of Georgia and has taught art at Indiana Stat e University and Clemson University.\n\nFunding to reconstruct the guard t ower was provided by the National Park Service\, with a generous grant fro m Friends of Manzanar\, a non-profit organization established in 2004 to s upport projects at Manzanar through financial and in-kind donations. In ad dition to assisting with the guard tower reconstruction\, Friends of Manza nar is raising funds to rehabilitate a World War II era mess hall at Manza nar and to preserve and restore other site features.\n\nThe events are fre e and open to the public. Manzanar National Historic Site is located along U.S. Highway 395\, six miles south of Independence\, California and nine miles north of Lone Pine. For more information on the guard tower reconstr uction and programs and projects at Manzanar\, please visit our website at <a href=""></a> or call (760) 878 -2194 or (760) 878-2932.\n\nContacts\nGretel Enck\, 760-878-2932 ext. 10\n Alisa Lynch\, 760-878-2194 ext. 11\n\n DTSTAMP:20240609T123721Z SUMMARY:Manzanar Guard Tower dedication and special events - September 17\, 2005 URL:/en/events/2005/09/17/manzanar-guard-tower-dedication-and-special-event s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR