BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070906T000000Z DTEND:20070906T000000Z DESCRIPTION:David Mas Masumoto in Free Program with Musicians from Taiko Ce nter of Los Angeles\n\n\nOn September 6th at 6:00 p.m. the South Pasadena Public Library\, the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library\, and th e South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce will proudly present nationally-accla imed bestselling author David Mas Masumoto in the Library Park outside the Library Community Room facing El Centro Street. The event is co-sponsored by Poets & Writers\, Inc. with financial support from the James Irvine Fo undation. Special thanks to South Pasadena Community Services. No tickets are required for the free public program. Masumoto\, who has earned the t itle “America’s Literary Farmer\,” will be preceded by a live perfor mance by drummers from the Taiko Center of Los Angeles. \n\nDavid Masumoto is the author of <i>Epitaph for a Peach: Four Seasons on My Family Farm</ i>\, which won the 1995 Julia Child Cookbook Award in the Literary Food Wr iting category and was a finalist for the 1996 James Beard Foundation Food Writing Award. It also received the San Francisco Review of Books Critics ’ Choice Award for 1995-96. David Mas Masumoto is also the author of <i> Harvest Son\, Planting Roots in American Soil</i>\, <i>Four Seasons in Fiv e Senses: Things Worth Savoring</i>\, and <i>Letters to the Valley: A Harv est of Memories</i>. He possesses a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from U. C. Berkeley and a Master's Degree in Community Development from U.C. Davis . He also attended International University in Tokyo\, Japan. Masumoto wa s appointed to the California Council for the Humanities Board in 1994 and served as Co-Chair from 1998 to 2001. In 2002\, Masumoto joined the Board of Directors of the Irvine Foundation\, dedicated to enriching California 's intellectual and cultural environment. All of his books will be for sal e at the event.\n\nFeature articles about Masumoto have appeared in Wall S treet Journal\, Los Angeles Times\, Time Magazine and the New York Times. His farm has been featured in Sunset\, Country Living and Glamour Magazine \, on television as part of the California Heartland PBS series\, as well as on the nationally-aired program "Ripe for Change.” Those who have had the good fortune to witness Masumoto’s sensual\, lyrical writings shoul d already understand why he headlines this year’s Tuolumne Meadows Poetr y Festival in Yosemite National Park –even though he’s an autobiograph ical prose stylist.\n\n"Masumoto uses his farm as Thoreau did his Walden p ond. (Masumoto) is a grower of peaches and grapes. He also is a writer\, a wonderful writer." \n --Peter H. King\, Los Angeles Times \n\n\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T115811Z SUMMARY:David Mas Masumoto in Free Event on September 6th at 6:00 p.m. in S outh Pasadena Library's Outdoor Park Area URL:/en/events/2007/09/06/david-mas-masumoto-in-free-event-on-september-6th -/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR