BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050220T000000Z DTEND:20050220T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese American Citizens League - Cleveland Chapter will be observing the <a href="">63rd An niversary of the Day of Remembrance</a> at The Alcazar Hotel\, 2450 Derbys hire Road\, Cleveland Heights\, Ohio 44106.\n----------------------\nSunda y\, February 20th 2005\nLuncheon: 1:00 p.m. \nProgram: 2:00 p.m. \n------- ---------------\nFormer internees will speak of their experiences in the r elocation camps. These individuals participated in a project with Seventh grade students of Harmon Middle School in Aurora\, Ohio.\n\n<!--break-->\n ----------------------\nLuncheon & Program: $30.00\nProgram Only: $20.00 ( non-member) / $18.00 (JACL)\nChildren age 12 and under: $15.00 (under 5 fr ee)\n\nDeadline for reservations: February 12th\, 2005\n\nAll Proceeds to: Japanese American Citizens League\, Cleveland Chapter to support the Day of Remembrance Programs. \n\nCall for Reservations: RSVP\n440-238-3416 – Karen Sodini\, e-mail \n216-921-2976 – Hazel Asamoto\, e-mail \n DTSTAMP:20240610T043313Z SUMMARY:Cleveland: Day of Remembrance URL:/en/events/2005/02/20/cleveland-day-of-remembrance/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR