BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060706T000000Z DTEND:20060706T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Tai Chi Classes\n \nTake a daily vacation from the stresses of life with the peaceful exercise often called meditation in motion. Tai Chi offers benefits for health\, flexibility and peace of mind. The movements can be learned by people of all ages and physical conditions if they prac tice with patience. Tai Chi teaches us to appreciate our bodies and minds and to expand their abilities.\n \nWear comfortable clothing and be ready to work in stocking feet.\n \n \nTHREE 7-WEEK SUMMER SESSIONS\n \nTuesday Classes - Beginners Welcome\nJuly 11 to August 22\, 2006\nMORNINGS 9:30 - 10:30 AM\nAFTERNOONS 1:15 - 2:15 PM\n \nThursday Classes - A dvanced\nJuly 6 to August 17\, 2006\n6:30 - 7:30 PM\n \n \nTHREE 8-WEEK FA LL SESSIONS\n \nTuesday Classes - Beginners Welcome\nSeptember 5 to Octobe r 24\, 2006\nMORNINGS 9:30 - 10:30 AM\nAFTERNOONS 1:15 - 2:1 5 PM\n \nThursday Classes - Advanced\nSeptember 7 to October 26\, 2006\n6: 30 - 7:30 PM\n \n \nTWO 7-WEEK WINTER SESSIONS\n \nTuesday Classes - Begin ners Welcome\nOctober 31 to December 19\, 2006\n(No class November 21\, 20 06)\n1:15 - 2:15 PM\n \nThursday Classes - Advanced\nNovember 2 to Decembe r 21\, 2006\n(No class November 23\, 2006)\n6:30 - 7:30 PM\n \n \nClass Fe e: $96.00 for 8-week session\; $84.00 for 7-week session\nJASC Membe r Rate: $80.00 for 8-week session\; $70.00 for 7-week session\n \nMi nimum: 8 Students\nMaximum: 15 Students\n \nInstructor: Lynn Baumhardt\nTo register\, please call JASC at 772.275.0097\n \n \nDeadline for 7-WEEK SU MMER SESSION REGISTRATION IS JULY 5\, 2006\n \nDEADLINE FOR 8-WEEK FALL SE SSION REGISTRATION IS AUGUST 30\, 2006\n \nDEADLINE FOR 7-WEEK WINTER SESS ION REGISTRATION IS OCTOBER 26\, 2006\n \n\n \n\nTo register for classes\, please send your name\, address (include ZIP)\, and phone number\, listin g the class or classes you would like to take\, along with a check (made o ut to JASC) to Japanese American Service Committee\, 4427 N. Clark\, Chica go\, IL 60640. Please note: Refunds will be given if cancellations are made up to five full working days prior to the first class. NO REFUNDS AF TER CLASSES BEGIN. For more information\, call or e-mail Sharon ext.229\, <a></a>or Kay ext.226\, <a>classes@jasc-chicago. org</a> at the JASC office\, 773.275.0097. Thank you.\n\n \n\n"This proje ct is partially supported by a CityArts 1 Grant from the City of Chicago D epartment of Cultural Affairs and the Illinois Arts Council\, a state agen cy."\n\n \n\nJapanese American Service Committee\n4427 N. Clark Street\nCh icago\, IL 60640\n773.275.7212 - Social Services\n773.275.0097 - Cultural & Community Programs\n773.275.0958 - Fax\nWeb site: <a href="http://www."></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T102808Z SUMMARY:JASC tai chi classes\, Chicago\, IL\, USA URL:/en/events/2006/07/06/jasc-tai-chi-classes/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR