BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080509T000000Z DTEND:20080831T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Go For Broke: Photographs by Motoya Nakamura</strong>\n May 9 – August 31\, 2008\nat the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n\nTo honor and pay tribute to Oregon Nisei Veterans\, Motoya Nakamura\, a photograph er for <em>The Oregonian</em>\, created five special portraits of 442nd RC T veterans John Murakami\, Roy Maeda\, Joe Onchi\, Art Iwasaki\, and Kazuo Fujii for the article "Fighting Prejudice on Two Fronts" (<em>Living</em> \, Sunday\, November 7\, 2004). Please join us for an exhibition of these important and artistic photographs. Motoya’s vision and masterful techni que created memorable works of art that honor and pay respect to these\, a nd all\, of Oregon’s Nisei veterans. Accompanying the exhibit will be s pecial artifacts from the ONLC collection.\n<!--break-->\nThe 442nd Regime ntal Combat Team of the U.S. Army served with distinction during World War Two. A Japanese American unit\, the 442nd RCT was the most heavily decora ted unit for its size and length of service in U.S. military history. Sold iers enlisted or were drafted\, many from internment camps\, and served th eir country with distinction\, many fighting in heavy combat in the Europe an theater while their families were incarcerated in the United States. Me mbers of the 442nd were liberators at Dachau concentration camp in Germany . Members of the MIS\, the Military Intelligence Service\, served in the P acific theater as translators and interrogators. The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center is proud to honor and celebrate the contributions and service of al l of the Oregon Nisei Veterans who served their country with honor and ext raordinary bravery.\n\n"The motto of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team was 'go for broke.' It’s a gambling term that means risking everything on on e great effort to win big. The soldiers of the 442nd needed to win big. Th ey were Nisei - American-born sons of Japanese immigrants. They fought two wars: the Germans in Europe and the prejudice in America...\n\n"The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was the most decorated unit for its size and lengt h of service\, in the entire history of the U.S. Military. The 4\,000 men who initially came in April 1943 had to be replaced nearly 3.5 times. In t otal\, about 14\,000 men served\, ultimately earning 9\,486 Purple Hearts\ , 21 Medals of Honor and an unprecedented eight Presidential Unit Citation s."\n\n - Excerpts from the Go For Broke National Education Center website \, <a href=""></a>\n\nAbout th e artist:\n\nMotoya Nakamura was born in Nagoya\, Japan\, and came to the United States two decades ago after falling in love with J.D. Salinger’s <em>Catcher in the Rye</em>. He saved money by teaching windsurfing ("be cause I do not have to wear a tie") and enrolled in the School of Journali sm at the University of Missouri where he studied documentary photography. He has been working as a newspaper photographer ever since: "Working for newspapers gave me tickets to unknown worlds everyday."\n\nIn 2000\, Motoy a joined the staff at <em>The Oregonian</em>\, and lives in Portland with his wife and two sons. The article produced in 2004: "Fighting Prejudice o n Two Fronts" published his photographs of Oregon Nisei veterans:\n\n"I\, as a new wave of Issei\, started this project to document and know the Jap anese-American history in the first hand. The complexity of the Japanese-A merican history during WWII overwhelmed me to the point when I could not t ake it sometimes but people's courage to face it touched me tremendously a t the same time. Most of the Japanese-American WWII veterans belonged to t he US Army 442nd Regimental Combat Team that were widely acknowledged to b e the US Military's most decorated unit for its size and length of service . I believe that my duty as an Issei photographer is to record and honor t heir courage in the most difficult time in Japanese-American history for t he future generation."\n – Motoya Nakamura\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Cente r (ONLC) is a Japanese American history center that preserves and shares t he history and culture of Japanese Americans in Oregon. A project of the O regon Nikkei Endowment\, ONLC creates and hosts exhibits\, provides speake rs for schools and community organizations\, offers public programs\, reco rds videotaped oral histories\, and preserves historic documents and artif acts.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n121 NW Second Ave\nPortland\, OR\, 9 7209\n<a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T161319Z SUMMARY:New Exhibition - Go for Broke: Photographs by Motoya Nakamura URL:/en/events/2008/05/09/go-for-broke-photographs/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR