BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080914T000000Z DTEND:20090109T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Oregon Nikkei Leg acy Center\, we are revisiting the very first exhibit put on in 1998. Orig inally curated by Miki Yasui and a team of community baseball advisors\, t he exhibit features black and white images of local Nisei teams and NW tou rnaments. Join us for this fun-filled and nostalgic exhibit\, which runs t hrough January 11\, 2009.\n\nBy the time the Nisei (second generation Japa nese American) were reaching their late teens\, teams were forming in Nikk ei communities all over the state. In the heyday of Nisei baseball\, durin g the 1930s\, teams from all over the Northwest would compete with each ot her in tournaments organized by various Japanese associations throughout t he Northwest.\n\nBecause of its size\, Portland was able to field several teams. In smaller towns\, organizers might have had to go to neighboring c ommunities in order to assemble a single\, full team. Players for the Nise i Athletic Club in Hood River were scattered among outlying towns such as Mosier\, Bingen\, and White Salmon\, Washington. Some came from as far awa y as The Dalles and Deschutes River. Needless to say\, team practices were rare and on occasion a player from an opposing team might be "borrowed" t o fill in for a missing team member.\n\nNisei baseball teams continued to develop into the 1940s but were abruptly halted by the onset of World War II and the internment of all Nikkei on the west coast. Baseball was played in the camps\, although the old teams were broken up. Following the war\, interest in baseball started to decrease and many of the teams played for only a few more years or were not revived at all. Most Nisei were startin g families and careers that would draw them into the mainstream of America n life. Amateur baseball itself was becoming more institutionalized with L ittle League and school teams starting to offer more opportunities for pla yers.\n\nPlease join us for this historic exhibit celebrating the Nikkei c ommunity spirit\, the tenth anniversary of the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center \, and to welcome new Executive Director Mari Watanabe\, who will be in at tendance at the reception on September 14 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. with David Y amashita\, President of the Oregon Nikkei Endowment Board of Directors.\n\ nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center (ONLC) is a Japanese American history center that preserves and shares the history and culture of Japanese Americans in Oregon. A project of the Oregon Nikkei Endowment\, the ONLC creates and hosts exhibits\, provides speakers for schools and community organizations \, offers public programs\, records videotaped oral histories\, and preser ves historic documents and artifacts.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n503- 224-1458\n<a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T125431Z SUMMARY:Exhibit Opening - Oregon Nisei Baseball: the Early Years URL:/en/events/2008/09/14/oregon-nisei-baseball/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR