BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070309T000000Z DTEND:20070309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Japanese American Leadership Delegation</strong>\nJapan ese Americans at a Crossroad: Connecting Past\, Present and Future\n\nAbou t 140 years have passed since Japanese emigrants left for American mainlan d and Hawaii. Now\, the accumulated total of Japanese emigrants from Hiros hima prefecture has reached 100\,000\, more than those from any other pref ecture. In this coming March\, 13 Japanese American Leaders will visit Jap an under the invitation program co-sponsored by the Foreign Ministry and C GP\, including four Japanese Americans originating from Hiroshima and two Japanese Americans from Hawaii\, having sister relation with Hiroshima. We will reflect back on the American society history through the eyes of Jap anese Americans and discuss their present and the future. The successful s truggle story to rid the Texas communities of a racially offensive street name\, “Jap Road”\, will also be presented by the local activist leade r.\n\nDate: Friday\, March 9\, 2007 14:00-16:15 *Simultaneous translation will be available.\nVenue: Memorial Hall (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum B1F)\n\nCoordinators:\n-Irene Hirano (President and CEO\, Japanese Americ an National Museum)\n-Hiromichi Yamashiro (Professor\, Hiroshima Universit y)\n\nPanelists:\n-Sandra Chikako Tanamachi?Teacher?Houston?Fukuoka\, Waka yama??\n-Donna Shimoda Hollingshead?Executive Director\, Montgomery County Public Schools?Washington\, D.C.?Hiroshima?\n-Harold Taniguchi?Director\, King County Department of Transportation?Seattle?Hiroshima?occupation?res idence?hometown in Japan?\n\nAdmission: free \nSponsored by: The Japan F oundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP)\nCo-sponsored by: Japanese American National Museum\, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation\nSupported b y: Hiroshima Prefecture\, Hiroshima City\, Hiroshima University\, The Japa n-America Society of Hiroshima\n\nRSVP with name and affiliation to Hirosh ima Peace Culture Foundation.\n\n TEL: (082)242-8879 FAX: (082)242-7452\n E-mail: <a></a>\n DTSTAMP:20240601T122254Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Leadership Delegation in Hiroshima\, March 9 URL:/en/events/2007/03/09/japanese-american-leadership-delegation-in-hirosh i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR