4th Annual Los Angeles Tanabata Festival: "Spirit of Kizuna"

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Community Event

Aug 201210 Aug 201213

Little Tokyo
1st Street & Central Avenue
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

Please come and join us to participate in, be a vendor at, and/or support the Fourth Annual Los Angeles Tanabata (Summer Stars) Festival!

The L.A. Tanabata Festival (LATF) is a most unique and "colorful addition" to the Nisei Week Festivities in Little Tokyo. The fantastic displays are made by individuals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, churches, temples, government offices, and more!

What is the Tanabata Festival? The Festival celebrates the once-a-year meeting of star lovers, the Altair, Ox Herder and Vega, the Weaver Princess who are separated by the Milky Way all the other nights of the year. Although held in many cities throughout Japan, the largest Tanabata Festival is held in Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture since 1946. It was celebrated in a much smaller scale since the 1600s. It is the custom to write personalwishes on small strips of paper called "Tanzaku" to hang on decorated bamboo branches.The LATF in three years have proven to be a crowning success in bringing people and communities together.

The 2009 inception of the LA Tanabata Festival formed a link between Los Angeles and Sendai, which has developed into an unbreakable bond of encouragement and perseverance for all of Japan.


Opening Ceremony: Friday, August 10th, 5:00pm
August 11th, 11:00am-7:00pm
August 12th, 11:00am-5:00pm
Viewing: August 13th, 9:00am-9:00pm 

For more information, please visit http://www.jhills.com/en/.


llan . Last modified Jun 27, 2012 7:50 a.m.


August 2012


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