"I AM HUNGRY" Zine Launch Party/ January 23rd: 1-3PM @OACC

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Community Event

Jan 201623
1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.

Oakland Asian Cultural Center
388 Ninth St. Suite 290
Oakland, California, 94607
United States

Thank you artists and writers for your stellar submissions!

To celebrate the completion of our third zine, "I AM HUNGRY," we invite the community to attend our zine launch party on Saturday, August 1st from 1-3PM at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. Free copies of the zine will be available, as well as light refreshments and an open mic for artists to share their works with others. Tell your family and friends!

Here is the tentative itinerary! More info to come as we get nearer to the launch date!

1:00-1:45 / Meet and greet. There will be refreshments and zines!

1:45-2:20/ Open mic for poets, writers, and artists to share their works.

2:30-3:00/ Mingling and clean-up

Please RSVP so that we can have enough refreshments for everyone :)



oaklandoacc . Last modified Dec 12, 2015 11:48 a.m.


January 2016


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