61st Zenshuji Soto Mission Annual Summer Obon Matsuri Festival - Los Angeles

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Community Event

Jul 201913 Jul 201914
11:00a.m. - 8:00p.m.

Zenshuji SotoMission
123 S. Hewitt Street
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

Zenshuji Soto Mission annual summer Obon Festival. This family event is a cultural event of authentic ethnic food, entertainment and displays. If you enjoy sushi, udon, teriyaki, snowcones, fresh corn or if you're a little adventurous, we even have grilled octopus. There are plants, flowers, and fresh produce for sale and a white elephant booth. 
For entertainment, we have singers, demonstrations, and our famous Zendeko taiko troop. Admission is free and the general public is welcome. We're located in Little Tokyo.
Obon Festival features Bon Odori (folk dancing), live music and taiko, flowers, carnival games, cultural exhibits, and drinks/delicious food.
Traditional dance, food, music and games for the whole family. It is a bright, charming event in the heart of the city for families and people of all ages.
Zenshuji Obon Festival Food
BBQ Chicken & Beef, Sushi, Ohagi, Udon, Umeboshi, Takoyaki, Ikayaki, Okinawa Dango, Wonton Chicken Salad, Corn, Tamales, Taco, Baked Goods, Snow Cones, Kintoki, Beer
Obon Festival Exhibits
Tea Ceremony Demonstrations, Ikebana Exhibits, Taiko Drumming, Carinval Games, Karaoke Contest, Shorinji Kempo, Folk Dancing, Folk Music. Please check the performance schedule on Zenshuji website.
Admission is free and open to the public. Cash only for the food.

Bon Odori Dance
Sat: 6:00 pm
Sun: 6:15 pm
Zenshuji Obon Service 
1:30 pm


kaylatanaka . Last modified Jun 21, 2019 4:20 p.m.


July 2019


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