Annual Amache Pilgrimage – May 16, 2020 - CANCELED

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Community Event

May 202016

Granada, Colorado
United States

Two bus pick-up points are available. The first pick-up will board at 6:00AM at Simpson United Methodist Church, 6001 Wolff Street, Arvada 80003; the second pick-up will be 6:30AM at downtown Denver’s Tri-State Buddhist Temple, 1947 Lawrence Street, Denver 80202. 

The roundtrip fee is $30.00. Reservations must be made and paid in advance.

Snacks are provided and continuous educational programs run on overhead bus screens on the restroom equipped vehicle. 

After a short rest stop in Limon, the bus will arrive at the Amache cemetery at approximately 11:00AM for a brief memorial service and oshoko (offering of incense) to commemorate those who died while imprisoned there or while serving in the US military.

Attendees will then meet at Granada Undivided School, where lunch and a short program will be provided, and the bus will re-board by 2:30 for the return trip to Denver; passengers can expect to arrive back at Simpson by 6:30-7:00PM.

Visit for more information.


editor . Last modified Apr 13, 2020 1:43 p.m.


May 2020


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