BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100330T000000Z DTEND:20100330T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nPhone: (213) 628-2725\n\nWebsite: <a title="http://www.jacc" href="" target="_blank" title="http://www.jacc"></a>\n<strong>Description:</strong> Make sure you hav e your seats for the biggest event of the season as JACCC celebrates its 3 0th Anniversary.\n \n Singing sensation <strong>Jero</strong> who has rede fined <em>enka</em> \, the soul of Japanese music will be our special gues t artist for a spectacular evening of entertainment bringing together head liners from past JACCC seasons\, such as four-time Grammy Award winner <st rong>Daniel Ho</strong> \, internationally-acclaimed <em>taiko</em> artist <strong>Kenny Endo</strong> and the inimitable <strong>Keiko Matsui</stro ng> !\n \n An exciting slate of artists awaits you at the JACCC as we ring in our next 30 years.\n \n \n <a href=" rySponsB6DBD0.pdf">Sponsorship information</a> \n \n For invitation please contact Jessica Kikuchi at\n (213) 628-2725 ext. 142.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240611T142035Z SUMMARY:30th Anniversary Gala Celebration URL:/en/events/2010/03/30/30th-anniversary-gala-celebration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR