BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100401T000000Z DTEND:20100523T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since its inception\, ukiyo-e\, the art of the Floating World\, has been intimately connected with Kabuki theater. Ukiyo-e artists not on ly painted signboards and other advertisements for the newest Kabuki plays \, but also mass produced woodblock images of celebrated actors in their m ost recent roles that were avidly collected by their fans. Several familie s of artists\, including the Torii\, Katsukawa\, and Utagawa\, specialized in Kabuki actor portraits\, resulting in some of the best-known images of ukiyo-e.\n \n This exhibition will explore the depiction of Kabuki subjec ts and actors in Japanese woodblock prints from the 17th through the 19th centuries\, with works by some of the most famous ukiyo-e artists\, includ ing the Utagawa School print designers Toyokuni\, Kunisada\, Kuniyoshi\, a nd Hiroshige.\n \n <em>Warriors\, Maidens\, and Foxes</em> is the second i n a two-part series organized jointly by the Academy&rsquo\;s Asian Art De partment\, the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Hawai&lsqu o\;i\, and a graduate course in Japanese Literature of the Edo period supe rvised by Professor Joel Cohn. The exhibition was curated by graduate stud ents Erica Abbott\, RaeAnn Dietlin\, Daniel Sargent\, Christopher Smith\, and Patrick Woo. DTSTAMP:20240602T144129Z SUMMARY:Warriors\, Maidens and Foxes: Kabuki in Japanese Woodblock Prints URL:/en/events/2010/04/01/warriors-maidens-and-foxes-kabuki-in-japanese-wo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR