BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100311T000000Z DTEND:20100311T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Jazz Bakery's <em>&quot\;Movable Feast&quot\;</em> series a nd JACCC are proud to present the brilliant young Japanese fusion jazz pia no virtuoso\, <strong>Hiromi Uehara</strong> . She is heralded as one of t he brightest new lights on the jazz landscape on both sides of the ocean. <strong>Hiromi</strong> 's unique piano styling is a melding of power\; gr ace and passion that displays an astonishing range of mood and emotion.\n\ nMaking a very rare appearance in Southern California\, the prot&eacute\;g &eacute\;e of such jazz veterans as pianist <strong>Ahmad Jamal</strong> a nd bassist <strong>Richard Evans</strong> \, <strong>Hiromi</strong> is th e latest artist on the Jazz Bakery's<em> &quot\;Movable Feast&quot\;</em> roster that has included <strong>Ernie Andrews</strong> \, <strong>Dori Ca ymmi</strong> \, <strong>Mose Allison</strong> \, <strong>Hubert Laws</str ong> and <strong>Bill Henderson</strong> . <strong>Hiromi</strong> 's Litt le Tokyo concert performance follows on the heels of her most recent relea ses\, <em>Hiromi Live in Concert</em> and <em>Hiromi's Sonicbloom Live in Concert</em> .\n\n<strong>Aratani/Japan America Theatre</strong> \n $35 Ge neral Admission\n $20 Seniors/Students. Limited seats available and ID is required at will call.\n JACCC Members' discount available by purchasing t ickets directly through the Jazz Bakery. Membership ID is required at will call.\n\nFor information or to purchase tickets visit the Jazz Bakery web site at <a href="" target="_blank">www.jazzbaker</a> or call (310) 271-9039 DTSTAMP:20240609T191941Z SUMMARY:Hiromi Uehara in Concert URL:/en/events/2010/03/11/hiromi-uehara-in-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR