BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100910T000000Z DTEND:20101028T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>6-9pm at the opening reception for "Sugar" at Women Mad e Gallery 685 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago\, IL.</strong>\n<strong>Sugar (2 010)\n</strong>Set during the 1920&rsquo\;s-1940&rsquo\;s\, Laura Kina&rsq uo\;s SUGAR paintings recall obake ghost stories and feature Japanese and Okinawan picture brides turned machete carrying sugar cane plantation fiel d laborers on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kina&rsquo\;s paintings take us in to a beautiful yet grueling world of manual labor\, cane field fires and f lumes.\n\n\nThe show was reviewed ear lier this week in a paper in Japan!\n\nKakazu\, Akiko. "Portrait of Immigr ant Brides: Okinawan Kina-san's Oil Painting Exhibition" Okinawa Times. 6\ , September\, 2010.\n<a href=" zFxp1aubA\;" target="_blank ">\;www.okinawatimes.</a>\n\nFor more info visit:&nbsp\;<a href="\; html?type=solo&amp\;gallery=kina2010&amp\;pic=1" target="_blank">http://ww\; =solo&amp\;gallery=kina2010&amp\;pic=1</a>\n\nAn article from the Okinawa Times:\n\nKakazu\, Akiko. "Portrait of Immigrant Brides: Okinawan Kina-san 's Oil Painting Exhibition" Okinawa Times. 6\, September\, 2010.

This article was originally published in Japanese. The English translation is courtesy of Miho Matsugu\, DePaul University Assistant Professor Departmen t of Modern Languages\, Japanese Studies Program\n\nPortrait of Immigrant Brides: Okinawan Kina-san&rsquo\;s Oil Painting Exhibition
September 6\, 2010
Akiko Kakazu - The Okinawa Times Overseas reporter\n\n&nbsp\;
Oi l painting exhibition &ldquo\;Sugar\,&rdquo\; opening on September 10th at Women Made Gallery in Chicago\, IL\, focuses on immigrants from Okinawa t o the sugar cane fields of Hawai&rsquo\;i from 1900 to 1959.
The art ist is fourth-generation Okinawan Ms. Laura Kina\, who uses a pop art sens itivity to portray immigrant brides wearing work clothes in the fields\, h ands decorated with hajichi (Okinawan tattoos)\, beautiful figures doing e xtremely hard labor in stretches of burning fields and flooding creeks.
Displayed are ten works based on Ms. Kina&rsquo\;s memories of her fat her George Kina\, 66\, who was born on Hawai&rsquo\;i as a third-generatio n Okinawan\, and her grand parents\, as well as what she learned from elde rs on the Big Island and photos. 
Ms. Kina\, born to an Okinawan fat her and a Basque Spanish American mother\, grew up in a Norwegian immigran t community in Washington State\, and studied art in undergraduate and gra duate programs in Chicago.
She is currently teaching courses such as &ldquo\;Asian American Art and Culture&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;Art and Identi ty of Mixed Race&rdquo\; at DePaul University in Chicago. Her research and art work also focuses on consistent themes such as &ldquo\;Fluidity in Cu ltural Differences.&rdquo\; 
Ms. Kina has made works in her pursuit of portraying Asian American history and people of mixed race. On her curr ent exhibition\, Ms. Kina says\, &ldquo\;I was moved by the fact that immi grant brides made their work clothes out of the kasuri fabrics they brough t and continued to wear\, remaking them repeatedly\,&rdquo\; throwing a ne w perspective on this historical chapter.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240601T121114Z SUMMARY:Laura Kina "Sugar" URL:/en/events/2010/09/10/laura-kina-sugar/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR