BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110116T000000Z DTEND:20110201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Using personal archival photos\, letters and newspapers\,&nbsp\ ;<a href="" target="_blank">Just Beyond Hope </a> creates a dialogue between white and Japanese\, Canadian and American \, first\, second and third generation women. Each person offers their uni que perspective. As these women tell their stories from different points o f view\, a fractured jigsaw puzzle of the time period builds memory fragme nt by memory fragment.\n\nThe historical issues triggered by war - of raci sm\, nationalism\, incarceration\, enforced servitude\, repatriation\, rep arations and land claims/occupation - are brought forward through the deta ils of the women's daily lives.\n\nMargaret is a young white Canadian soci al worker who wrote letters home from Tashme\, the internment camp in Brit ish Columbia located 14 kilometers beyond Hope. Trudy is a Japanese-Canadi an who was interned at Tashme with her family. Shyoko\, a Japanese-America n reads the texts of Mine Okuba's classic book\, Citizen 13660. Shyoko's f ather Shiro Toda published The Rocky Shimpo\, one of the only Japanese lan guage newspapers that was published outside camp. These are the three main voices we hear.\n\nIn addition to Margaret's letters\, the Rocky Shimpo n ewspaper articles (published by Shyoko's dad Shiro) and Trudy's family pho tos\, the visuals include original filmed footage and the extraordinary ph otos that Dorothea Lange took which were impounded by the US government at the time and have only recently come to light.\n\nMany of the women are i n their 80s and it is vital to share their stories with a larger public. A nd to encourage them to share them with their children and grandchildren.\ n\nJust beyond Hope is almost finished. Your support will help complete th e sound design and pay for photo rights and then take the work on tour. Pl ease look at clips on the Just Beyond Hope website and help bring the work to your community. DTSTAMP:20240601T123157Z SUMMARY:just beyond Hope: Women's Internment Stories URL:/en/events/2011/01/16/just-beyond-hope-womens-internment-stories/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR