BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110605T000000Z DTEND:20110918T000000Z DESCRIPTION:MALOTT JAPANESE GARDEN FAMILY SUNDAYS\n <strong>June 5 &amp\; 1 9\, July 3 &amp\; 17\, August 7\, September 4 &amp\; 18\n 11 a.m. &ndash\; 4 p.m.</strong> \n Drop by the Elizabeth Hubert Malott Japanese Garden fo r hands-on activities related to Japanese arts and culture. Practice using chopsticks\, rake miniature dry gardens\, make Japanese kites\, and more. The free activities vary each time\, and are subject to change.\n \n July 3: Tanabata Wishes &amp\; Streamers\n July 17: Kabuto (samurai helmets)\n August 7: Uchiwa (paper fans)\n September 4: Kimono Paper Dolls\n Septemb er 18: Gyotaku (fish prints) DTSTAMP:20240601T103328Z SUMMARY:Chicago Botanic Gardens' Malott Japanese Gardens URL:/en/events/2011/06/05/chicago-botanic-gardens-malott-japanese-gardens/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR