BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120303T000000Z DTEND:20120303T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Just added:&nbsp\; Pay-What-You-Can Matinee\nSaturday\, March 3\, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.\n</strong>(Suggested minimum donation of $5.) \n\n"Critic's Choice!" - <strong>L.A. Times\n</strong>\n\n"...well told\, with affectionate\, lively characterizations\, gentle humor\, and fresh in gredients." - <strong>L.A. Times\n</strong>\n<strong>"</strong>Lively and full of personality\, this one is well worth seeing." - <strong>Rafu Shimp o</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong>\nBy < strong>Lee Tonouchi</strong>\nDirected and Choreographed by <strong>Keo Wo olford</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>February 9 - March 11\, 2012</ strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong> is inspi red by the true life story of Soichi Sakamoto\, who trained the youth of M aui to swim in the plantation irrigation ditches on their path to becoming Olympic champions. Set on the island of Maui in the 1930's\, this heartwa rming play becomes transcendent as the art of hula becomes the metaphor fo r competitive swimming.\n\n<em>Produced in association with Honolulu Theat re for Youth. The East West Players mainstage production is sponsored in p art by a grant fund from the National Endowment for the Arts.</em>\n\nCAST : (all from Hawaii)\n<strong>Jared Asato\nKelsey Chock\nKaliko Kauahi\nBla ke Kushi\nMapuana Makia\nChristopher Takemoto-Gentile</strong>\n\nSet and Projection Designer: Adam Flemming\nSound Designer: Dennis Yen\nLighting D esigner: Jeremy Pivnick\nProperty Master: Ken Takemoto\nCostume Designer: Ken Takemoto\nStage Manager: Maya Rodgers\n\n<strong>Performance Run:</str ong> Wed - Thur at 8:00 pm $26 - 31\, Fri - Sat at 8:00 pm\, and Sun at 2: 00 pm $31 - $36.\n\n<strong>Student and Senior Discounts:</strong> $5 off regular ticket price.\n\n<strong>Group Discounts available:</strong> Call Tim Lounibos for details at (213) 625-7000 x16 or email <a href="mailto:tl"><span style="color: #0066cc\;">tlounibos@east</a>.\n\n<strong>Wine Down Fridays:</strong> Complimentary glasses of red or white wine during the regular performance run. (Must be 21 years of age) DTSTAMP:20240601T130037Z SUMMARY:PLAY: "Three Year Swim Club" at East West Players -- "Pay What You Can Matinee!" at 2:00 p.m. URL:/en/events/2012/03/03/play-three-year-swim-club-at-east-west-players/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR