BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121117T000000Z DTEND:20130512T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>November 17\, 2012 - May 12\, 2013</strong>\n<em>Coming Home: Voices of Return and Resettlement\, 1945-1965</em> traces the reest ablishment of the Japanese American community in Oregon after World War II and examines the injustices of war-time relocation. The <em>Coming Home</ em> exhibition has been woven from personal stories of return and resettle ment by Nikkei &mdash\; men\, women\, and children of Japanese descent &md ash\; forced from their Oregon farms and homes and incarcerated as "enemie s" during World War II. Most were American citizens. Many had lost everyth ing. Determination and memories of place\, family and community guided the m home.\n\nFor those that chose to return\, what kind of homecoming did th ey face? How did they reestablish themselves\, their community\, homes\, f amilies and businesses in a still unwelcoming America?\n\nOn display throu gh May 12\, 2013\, the videos\, photographs\, oral histories\, and artifac ts gathered for <em>Coming Home</em> feature the unique stories of nine co mmunity members. Modeled after a program at the Japanese Cultural and Comm unity Center of Northern California\, their firsthand accounts speak to th e uniqueness of being Japanese and living in Oregon\, the establishment of families and livelihoods\, the catastrophe of internment\, fighting for c ivil rights and civic engagement.\n\nOregon Nikkei Endowment\n 121 NW 2nd Avenue\n Portland\, OR 97209\n 503-224-1458\n <a href="http://www.oregonn" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T104629Z SUMMARY:Exhibit: Coming Home--Voices of Return and Resettlement\, 1945-1965 URL:/en/events/2012/11/17/exhibit-coming-home-voices-of-return-and-resettl/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR