BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130601T000000Z DTEND:20130601T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Screenings will be held at 2PM and 3PM.\n\nThis documentary tel ls the true World War II story of Stanley Hayami\, a talented young teenag er caught between his dreams of becoming an artist and his duty to his cou ntry. Based on Stanley&rsquo\;s diary and letters archived at the Japanese American National Museum\, this coming-of-age tale chronicles Stanley&rsq uo\;s life behind barbed wire and as a member of the 442nd Regimental Comb at Team. The film captures this young man&rsquo\;s humor and imagination t hrough endearing cartoons and witty observations that provide a firsthand look at the indignity of incarceration and the tragedy of war.\n\n<strong> Q&amp\;A with filmmaker and family to follow 3PM screening.</strong>\n\nCo -directors: Ann Kaneko and Sharon Yamato\n\nProducer/Writer: Joanne Oppenh eim\n\nSpecial Guest: Dawn Hayami\n\n<a href=" daid/ark:/13030/tf687004zq/?&amp\;brand=oac" target="_blank">View the onli ne collection guide for the Stanley Hayami Diary in JANM&rsquo\;s archives &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition American Heroes: Jap anese American World War II Nisei Soldiers and the Congressional Gold Meda l\n\nReservations recommended to <a href="">rsvp@janm. org</a> or213.625.0414 at least 48 hours prior. <a href="http://www.janm.o rg" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T180232Z SUMMARY:Film Screening: <i>A Flicker in Eternity</i> by Sharon Yamato\, Ann Kaneko\, and Joanne Oppenheim URL:/en/events/2013/06/01/film-screening-ia-flicker-in-eternityi-by-sh/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR