BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131009T000000Z DTEND:20131212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Register at or212-868-4030\nClassical trai ning\, monologues and scene work for actors\, and original pieces develope d by lab process for writers. Students will come to the Class with a piece in mind to work on. Previous students have gone on to perform their works nationally and internationally\, and in NYC at HERE\, Chashama\, PS122\, and in Pan Asian showcases and other venues.&nbsp\;\nTUITION: $350.\nPrevi ous Pan Asian students are eligible for 20% discount ($280). Tuition payme nt is for all sessions and is non-refundable.&nbsp\;\n\nINSTRUCTOR: ERNEST ABUBA\, playwright\, director\, and veteran Broadway and film actor. Majo r roles in Broadway&rsquo\;s PACIFIC OVERTURES\, LOOSE ENDS. TV: &ldquo\;K ung Fu\,&rdquo\; &ldquo\;Adderly&rdquo\; Film: &ldquo\;Twelve Monkeys\,&rd quo\; &ldquo\;King Of New York&rdquo\; His plays include: KWATZ! THE TIBET AN PROJECT\, CAMBODIA AGONISTES\, EAT A BOWL OF TEA\, AN AMERICAN STORY\, and LEIR REX. Screenplays produced by Wing Prdns\, and CBS/PBS: &ldquo\;Ma riana Bracetti\,&rdquo\; &ldquo\;Osceola\,&rdquo\; &ldquo\;Arthur A. Schom burg\,&rdquo\; &ldquo\;Lilac Chen\,&rdquo\; &ldquo\;Asian American Railroa d Strike\,&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;Iroquois Confederacy.&rdquo\; He is current ly on the theater faculty at Sarah Lawrence College.&nbsp\;\n\nSCHEDULE: \ nWednesdays Oct 9 &ndash\; Dec 11\, 2013 (no class Nov 27)&nbsp\;\n6:30pm &ndash\; 9:30pm&nbsp\;\n\nWith Public presentation:&nbsp\;\nThursday\, Dec 12 at 7:00pm\n\nTo register\, or if questions\, contact Pan Asian Rep at or call us at 212-868-4030. DTSTAMP:20240601T122158Z SUMMARY:Acting/Writing Lab with Ernest Abuba- 10 Thursdays from Oct-Dec URL:/en/events/2013/10/09/actingwriting-lab-with-ernest-abuba-10-thursday/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR