BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131201T000000Z DTEND:20140115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Matsuoka passed away on August 26 of this year. In honor of thi s great legend\, the exhibit will be extended to January 15\, 2014. The e xhibit spans more than 70 years of Matsuoka's life and gives guests a rare glimpse into the man behind the drawings. It features more than 60 pieces of art from his personal collection\, along with original drawings\, sket ches\, photographs\, and other artifacts. His drawings\, from illustration s of local sports and community figures to his acclaimed depictions of the Japanese American incarceration experience in his book\, Poston Camp II\, Block 211\, have touched hearts all over the world. The Watsonville nativ e was obviously born to draw\, especially as a teen during WWII when he il lustrated his experience of living in an internment camp in Poston\, Arizo na.\n\nAlthough his work was sometimes heartbreaking\, sometimes humorous\ , it was always honest and heartfelt. Matsuoka became one of the few Nisei cartoonists awarded membership to the prestigious National Cartoonist Ass ociation. He's also a decorated veteran\, having received a Congressional Gold Medal for his service in the MIS. Many remember his work from numerou s Bay Area publications\, including the now extinct Hokubei Mainichi\, San Francisco Examiner\, San Mateo Times\, and San Jose Mercury News. We enco urage you to come see Jack's life and accomplishments as seen through his eyes.\n\nJAMsj extends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of J ack Matsuoka. This larger-than-life character will be forever remembered. Thank you for everything that you did\, Jack -- we'll miss you.\n\nThe mus eum is open every week\, Thursday through Sunday from 12 noon to 4 p.m. We 're located in the heart of Japantown\, at 535 North 5th Street\, San Jose \, California. For more information\, please visit our website at http://w DTSTAMP:20240602T162335Z SUMMARY:Japanese American cartoonist\, Jack Matsuoka Exhibit Extended URL:/en/events/2013/12/01/japanese-american-cartoonist-jack-matsuoka-exhib/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR