BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131205T000000Z DTEND:20140223T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the Interference Archive <a href="http://interferencearchi">website< /a>:&nbsp\;\n\n<em>Serve the People: The Asian American Movement in New Yo rk</em>&nbsp\;charts a history of Asian American activism\, organizing\, a nd cultural production in the 1970s\, the first exhibition to focus on New York as a center of this national phenomenon. Through posters\, leaflets\ , newspapers\, film\, and music\,&nbsp\;<em>Serve the People</em>&nbsp\;sh ows how Asian American identity was shaped by reclaimed histories\, revolu tionary politics\, feminist awareness\, third worldism\, and community org anizing. The culture created by young activists and artists in the movemen t embodied their ideals\, speaking to the excitement and urgency of the ti me.\n\nCurated by Ryan Wong.\n\nIn 1970s New York\, one might have heard t he folk group A Grain of Sand sing about &ldquo\;the struggle\,&rdquo\; wa lked by a mural celebrating Asian American histories\, or attended a scree ning of a documentary on garment workers in Chinatown. I Wor Kuen and Work er&rsquo\;s Viewpoint Organization distributed their revolutionary message s through newspapers and study groups\, while community organizations like Asian Americans for Equal Employment galvanized Chinatown into mass prote sts. Basement Workshop served as an umbrella for artists&rsquo\; projects as well as groups like Chinatown Health Fair\, Asian American Resource Cen ter\, and the Amerasia Creative Arts Program.\n\nIn recovering and present ing this past\,&nbsp\;<em>Serve the People</em>&nbsp\;cuts against the ste reotype of political apathy among Asian Americans\, and offers a radical h istory for today&rsquo\;s activists to build upon. The political horizon f or Movement activists was limitless\, whether they worked towards communit y control\, artistic self-expression\, or political overthrow. This energy is palpable in the culture they produced. In light of the great immigrati on of Asians to America since the 1960s and the looming questions of Ameri ca&rsquo\;s economic and political relation to Asia\, these works remind u s of a moment of pride and revolution for a newly-formed identity.\n\nVisi tors are invited to handle and read through two of Interference Archive&rs quo\;s newest acquisitions: the seminal collection of art and poetry&nbsp\ ;<em>Yellow Pearl</em>\, and copies of the nationally-circulated&nbsp\;<em >Bridge Magazine</em>. Other objects on display include the&nbsp\;<em>Asia n Americans for Action Newsletter</em>&nbsp\;(published by Yuri and Bill K ochiyama in their home)\, buttons and posters for the Chinatown Health Fai r\, iconic photographs of the Peter Yew police brutality protests by Corky Lee\, and posters designed by artist Tomie Arai.\n\nA full schedule of pu blic programs will accompany the exhibition\, including film screenings\, discussions\, and readings.\n\nFor more information about the exhibition a nd related events\, visit:&nbsp\;<a href=" erve-the-people-the-asian-american-movement-in-new-york/">http://interfere</ a> DTSTAMP:20240603T083054Z SUMMARY:Serve the People: The Asian American Movement in New York URL:/en/events/2013/12/05/serve-the-people-the-asian-american-movement-in-n / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR