BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140301T000000Z DTEND:20140301T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Mothers\, daughters\, ladies (and men in their lives) of all ag es are welcome to <strong>bring their dolls</strong> and join us for <stro ng>afternoon tea</strong> at the Chado Tea Room to celebrate <em>Hinamatsu ri</em> . Known as Doll&rsquo\;s Festival or Girl&rsquo\;s Day\, <em>Hinam atsuri</em> is a special day in Japan where families celebrate the health and happiness of their young daughters. \n \n <strong>Hina dolls will be on display for the duration of the event\, only for event attendees.</stro ng> Special activities and giveaways included. <strong>$25 members</strong >\; <strong>$35 non-members\, includes admission. RSVP is required</stron g>\; <strong>40 participants max</strong>.\n\n<a href=" /events/2014/03/#01" target="_blank"> 1</a>&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\n<a href="/en/journal/2007/3/2/hinamatsuri/">Read an article about <em>Hinamatsuri</em> in the U.S. on Discover Nikkei here&gt \;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T111117Z SUMMARY:Hinamatsuri Afternoon Tea URL:/en/events/2014/03/01/hinamatsuri-afternoon-tea/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR