BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140505T000000Z DTEND:20140511T000000Z DESCRIPTION:MONDAY&ndash\;SUNDAY\, May 5&ndash\;11\n\n<strong>30th Annivers ary Edition</strong>\n\nVisual Communications\, the nation's premier Asian Pacific American media arts center\, once again brings the L.A. Asian Pa cific Film Fest to JANM for a series of special event screenings and sele ct encores of Festival favorites. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 201 4\, the Film Festival will bring the best and brightest of new Asian Paci fic American cinema to Little Tokyo audiences.\n\nEncore showings of sele ct Asian American feature-length selections\, and special programs that o ffer a focused window on the visions and perspectives of the APA creative community are just some of the offerings in store for Film Festival audi ences visiting the Little Tokyo area. In many cases\, filmmakers will be on hand to participate in Q&amp\;A sessions with audiences\, adding a uni quely intimate element to the artist/audience experience.\n\n<strong>SHOW TIMES:</strong> Various\; consult the Festival website at <a href="http://" target="_blank">www</a> beginning April 2014.\n\n<strong>TICKETS:</stro ng> $13 General\; $11 JANM/VC/DGA Members\, Students\, Seniors w/valid I.D .\n\n<strong>For more up-to-date information about this event\, please che ck the Japanese American National Museums' event page: <a href="http://www"></a></ strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T193559Z SUMMARY:Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival URL:/en/events/2014/05/05/los-angeles-asian-pacific-film-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR