BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150909T000000Z DTEND:20150909T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #000000\;">How to describe Nobuhiko Obayash i&rsquo\;s indescribable 1977 movie <em>House </em> (ハウス)? As a psyc hedelic ghost tale? A stream-of-consciousness bedtime story? An episode of <em>Scooby-Doo</em> as directed by Mario Bava? Any of the above will do f or this hallucinatory head trip about a schoolgirl who travels with six classmates to her ailing aunt&rsquo\;s creaky country home and comes face -to-face with evil spirits\, a demonic house cat\, a bloodthirsty piano\, and other ghoulish visions\, all realized by Obayashi via mattes\, anima tion\, and collage effects. Equally absurd and nightmarish\, <em>House</em > might have been beamed to Earth from some other planet. This film is one of the most exciting cult discoveries in years. DTSTAMP:20240601T104039Z SUMMARY:JAPANEMA Free Film Screening "HOUSE" URL:/en/events/2015/09/09/japanema-free-film-screening-house/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR