BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160205T000000Z DTEND:20160205T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Artists! Please share your talent with us for the chance to win $500! Oakland Asian Cultural Center will be hosting a poster design cont est in conjunction with CAAM and Kearny Street Workshop for the 12th Annu al Asian Heritage Street Celebration. For details\, check out the event page!\n\n\n\nShare Your A rt with the Community and Win $500\n \n The Oakland Asian Cultural Center in partnership with the Center for Asian American Media and Kearny Street Workshop bring to you a poster design contest to represent the 12th Annu al Asian Heritage Street Celebration (AHSC).\n \n Organizers are looking for innovative graphic artists to create an exciting and unique poster to promote this year&rsquo\;s Asian Heritage Street Celebration. The winnin g artwork will become part of the personality for this year&rsquo\;s even t and will be featured in a wide-scale multi-media marketing campaign in both the mainstream and Asian Pacific markets in a combination of posters \, postcards\, Muni bus ads\, BART banners\, bus shelters\, newspaper ads and in a TV commercial. The winner will also earn a $500 grand prize. \n \n For poster contest rules and guidelines please visit <a href="http://ww" target="_blank">http:// www.asian poster-contest/</a> \n \n All submissions should be emai led electronically to by Friday\, February 5th\, 20 16. \n \n Event Details:\n \n &bull\; 12th Annual Asian Heritage Street Ce lebration \n &bull\; Saturday\, May 21st\, 2016 \n &bull\; Location: Civic Center / Little Saigon Area \n \n For more information about the Asian He ritage Street Celebration please go to <a href=" p?\;h=nAQGt_RdT&amp\;enc=AZPvQd5c sD1YCfKPlXDoVgZ9fXSrwDe2gPS-mI2HyKYAOqmIi3tKzpB8A-I_R3TVjIQ&amp\;s=1" targ et="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T103453Z SUMMARY:win $500 for the 12th Annual Asian Heritage Street Celebration URL:/en/events/2016/02/05/win-500-for-the-12th-annual-asian-heritage-street / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR