BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170407T000000Z DTEND:20170409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Premier Toronto taiko group &lsquo\;Nagata Shachu&rsquo\; conti nue their 18th annual concert season titled &lsquo\;Toronto Taiko Tales &n dash\; Global Beats from Around the City&rsquo\; in the vibrant community of Regent Park. They reach out with a series of four concerts featuring ne w\, original live performance works and launch their new and fourth DVD &l squo\;Toronto Taiko Tales&rsquo\; on April 7\, 8 and 9\, 2017 (including t wo weekend matinee shows).\n\n<strong>VIDEO (DVD Preview):</strong> <a hre f=""></a>.\n\n<str ong>WHEN:</strong>\n\nFriday\, April 7 at 8:00 p.m.\nSaturday\, April 8 at 2:00 p.m. (matinee).\nSaturday\, April 8 at 8:00 p.m.\nSunday\, April 9 a t 2:00 p.m. (matinee).\n\n<strong>HOW MUCH:</strong> Advance tickets are $ 20.00&nbsp\;(seniors\, students\, arts workers)&nbsp\;to $30.00 (adults).& nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Box Office\;</strong> <a href=" /taiko/"></a>.\n<a href="http://regentpark"></a>\n<strong>FACEBOOK EVENT:</strong> <a href="https://ww"> 582211021989</a>\n\nArtistic director Kiyoshi Nagata states\, &ldquo\;In o ur 18<sup>th</sup> season\, Nagata Shachu is excited to be celebrating new performance pieces and the official release of our new DVD &lsquo\;Toront o Taiko Tales&rsquo\; in the area where the DVD was filmed\, one of Toront o's most ethnically diverse and culturally active neighbourhoods &ndash\; Regent Park.&nbsp\;The sound of the drum is a universal language that has the power to bring people together.&nbsp\;It is our hope that our Taiko ca n play a positive role in the community.&rdquo\;\n\nIn addition to providi ng a number of free and discounted tickets to the public concerts through Artscape\, Nagata Shachu will perform two afternoon concerts on Friday\, A pril 7 specifically donated to local children in the Regent Park neighbour hood at Sprucecourt and Nelson Mandela Park Public Schools.\n\nNagata Shac hu thanks community partners and organizations involved with the Regent Pa rk concerts: Artscape\, Pathways to Education\, Regent Park School of Musi c\, Centre for Social Innovation and Native Earth Performing Arts.\n\nNaga ta Shachu members are Kiyoshi Nagata (taiko\, shinobue/flute)\, Aki Takaha shi (shamisen\, vocals)\, Tony Nguyen (taiko)\, Kayo Homma-Komori (taiko)\ , Jason Huang (taiko) and Naoya Kobayashi (taiko).\n\nNagata Shachu has to ured extensively (most recently played at the&nbsp\;Centre for Social Inno vation&rsquo\;s gala opening event for its&nbsp\;&lsquo\;Toronto for Every one&rsquo\; initiative)\,&nbsp\;and played rare collaborations with artist s including pianist Ron Davis&rsquo\; jazz/string ensemble Symphronica\, a cclaimed percussion quartet TorQ and Juno nominated Toronto Tabla Ensemble . Nagata Shachu has previously released six original CDs (latest\; Hymus R oad\, 2013) and three DVDs.\n\nKiyoshi Nagata is Canada&rsquo\;s pre-emine nt taiko soloist\, whose career spans over three decades. His principal st udies were with &lsquo\;Kodo&rsquo\; in Japan and Daihachi Oguchi (artisti c director of Toronto&rsquo\;s Suwa Daiko). In 1998\, he founded Nagata Sh achu\, and currently teaches at the University of Toronto&rsquo\;s Faculty of Music and at the Royal Conservatory of Music.\n\n<strong>ARTIST WEBSIT E:</strong>&nbsp\;<a href="">http://nagatashachu.c om</a>. DTSTAMP:20240603T054313Z SUMMARY:Nagata Shachu - Toronto Taiko Tales URL:/en/events/2017/04/07/nagata-shachu-toronto-taiko-tales/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR