BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170501T000000Z DTEND:20170501T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&quot\;Valor With Honor&quot\; will be shown on &quot\;Vimeo&qu ot\; starting May 2017 for Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Visit <a href="ht tps://\;h =ATN3rdFuN_fdVD6a-6KBEUwgmLoz3HUWeEzYh7_VTR8cbtAJylWDDchl1SRx4d8PVztxQkz5y -qjkIBSyHTeTg_vHkzQFBFzJ7MZ17-GLdnLyLXlZdGYU9DG4e2QvW2XaWjjGl9CLPYyoOKnjGT ciIjWxOOxK6-XIw&amp\;enc=AZPNZ7a-jgnHuyTs-y-PCjqwLO8cZvCFQQjjXztJqKvoJOq3I XTjj7GWWM5O8EFwVPdJac4TMxCqwne9sRUlQW2J-5rmgEmqGgxxupCkTFuDIecliIwfAGI8JKV AShK76QX168gX8oGc_2hFbbzX4kX2x6cOxBepoOXBNUqF8Yaekvw2Nk0FJ8dYjlV04L6PQkQ&a mp\;s=1" target="_blank"></a> for info and the films historical timeline.\n\n<a href=" r" target="_blank"></a> \n\nTrai ler: <a href="" target="_blank">https://youtu. be/EW-TfmpMpYs</a>\n<a href="" target="_blank" >\n</a> \n &quot\;Valor with Honor&quot\; not only records the deeds and emotions of the veterans of the 442nd\, but highlights the difficult stru ggle of the brave Nisei both on and off the battlefield. It is a suburb documentary.&quot\; Professor Joe Roth\, San Jose State University\n\n&quo t\;Valor with Honor&quot\; is an independent documentary film based on ov er 35 oral histories on Japanese American WW2 vets that served in 442nd Regimental Combat Team. The film is 85 minutes long.\n\n&quot\;Valor with Honor&quot\; preserves vivid first hand accounts of fierce battles\, dram atic rescues\, and the liberation of Jewish prisoners at Dachau&quot\; Es ther Newman\, Discover Nikkei DTSTAMP:20240601T130220Z SUMMARY:Valor With Honor URL:/en/events/2017/05/01/valor-with-honor/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR