BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170807T000000Z DTEND:20170807T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>August 7&mdash\;11\, 2017 (5 Days)\, 1&mdash\;5 PM\nStu dent Exhibition: August 11\, 6 PM</strong>\nExplore the world of Japanese ink art in a one-week workshop that exposes you to the fundamentals of tra ditional and modern art forms of sumi-e\, calligraphy\, fish printing and more. Learn from professional working artists\, including master calligrap her&nbsp\;<strong>Masako Inkyo</strong>\, sumi-e artist&nbsp\;<strong>Ayak oh Furukawa&nbsp\;</strong>and&nbsp\;<em>gyotaku</em>&nbsp\;printmaker<str ong>&nbsp\;Joe Mullins</strong>\, as you practice traditional techniques a nd methods and create your own unique work. Learn curatorial skills and ex hibit your favorite pieces in the student exhibition open to family and fr iends.&nbsp\;\n<strong>Tuition:</strong>&nbsp\;$300/$250 Japan Society&nbs p\;<a href="">members</ a>\nNeeds-based scholarship available.&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.japansoci arship-appfillin.pdf"><strong>Download the application &rarr\;</strong></a >\n<a href=" icy">Box Office Policy</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T125440Z SUMMARY:The Art of Ink: Summer Workshop for High School Students URL:/en/events/2017/08/07/the-art-of-ink-summer-workshop-for-high-school-st / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR