BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170610T000000Z DTEND:20170610T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Pre-eminent Canadian taiko group Nagata Shachu closes o ut their official 18<sup>th</sup> annual season (Toronto Taiko Tales &ndas h\; Global Beats from Around the City) in The Annex featuring a rare\, spi rited collaboration with Toronto roots ensemble DRUMHAND!</strong>\nOrigin al cultures and genres crash as the pounding rhythms of traditional Japane se instruments and Taiko meet New Orleans parade band/roots music in a uni que collaboration between Nagata Shachu and acclaimed ensemble DRUMHAND. U sing hands\, sticks and mallets\, many of DRUMHAND&rsquo\;s compositions f eature the one-stringed &lsquo\;stomach harp&rsquo\; of Brazil or the box- shaped Gome foot-drum\, alongside flutes and horns from around the globe\, and the group&rsquo\;s folkloric-style vocals appear in a variety of lang uages.&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;\n\nFounded in 2008\, DRUMHAND members are\; Marcu s Ali (saxophones\, flutes\, vocals)\,&nbsp\;David Chan (percussion\, voca ls)\, Larry Graves (percussion\, vocals)\, Steve Mancuso (percussion\, voc als) and Rebecca Hennessy (trumpet\, vocals).\n\n&nbsp\;\n\nDRUMHAND has r eleased three albums\; &lsquo\;Contretemps&rsquo\; (2014)\, &lsquo\;CHEER ON THE SUN&rsquo\; (2013) and &lsquo\;THE TRAVELLING SCHEME&rsquo\; (2012) \, and recent performances include the Small World Music Festival\,&nbsp\; Circuit&nbsp\;at Ottawa's Great Canadian Theatre Company (GCTC) with Prope ller Dance and the Beaches Jazz Festival.\n\n<strong>NAGATA SHACHU VIDEO:< /strong> <a href=""> NY</a>.\n\n<strong>DRUMHAND VIDEO:</strong> <a href=" ATTfejc"></a>.\n\n<strong>TICKETS:</strong> $2 0.00 (students\, seniors) to $30.00 (adults)\; <a href=""></a>.\n\n<strong >FACEBOOK EVENT:</strong> <a href=" 63412950"></a>.\n\n<strong> ARTIST QUOTES:</strong>\n\nArtistic director Kiyoshi Nagata states\, &ldqu o\;I was immediately drawn to DRUMHAND&rsquo\;s infectious African\, Cuban and Brazilian dance rhythms\, mixed with New Orleans influenced horns and woodwinds.&nbsp\;I feel that their music makes a perfect compliment to Na gata Shachu&rsquo\;s more disciplined style of taiko drumming. My hope is that we will create new works and a sound that has never been heard before in this city!&rdquo\;\n\nDRUMHAND founder Larry Graves states\, &ldquo\;W hen Kiyoshi contacted us to be a part of Nagata Shachu's collaborative ser ies we didn't hesitate\, knowing the level of artistry that was involved. Everyone has learned a great deal through our work together and some excit ing new repertoire has been developed. We look forward to sharing it all w ith the audience on Saturday.&rdquo\;\n\nNagata Shachu members are\; Kiyos hi Nagata (taiko\, shinobue/flute)\, Aki Takahashi (shamisen\, vocals)\, T ony Nguyen (taiko)\, Kayo Homma-Komori (taiko)\, Jason Huang (taiko) and N aoya Kobayashi (taiko).\n\nNagata Shachu has toured extensively and played rare collaborations with artists including Japan&rsquo\;s Shogo Yoshii\, pianist Ron Davis&rsquo\; jazz/string ensemble Symphronica\, acclaimed per cussion quartet TorQ and Juno nominated Toronto Tabla Ensemble. Nagata Sha chu has released seven original CDs and four DVDs (the latest is Toronto T aiko Tales\, April 7\, 2017).\n\nKiyoshi Nagata is Canada&rsquo\;s pre-emi nent taiko soloist\, whose career spans over three decades. His principal studies were with &lsquo\;Kodo&rsquo\; in Japan and Daihachi Oguchi (artis tic director of Toronto&rsquo\;s Suwa Daiko). In 1998\, he founded Nagata Shachu\, and currently teaches at the University of Toronto&rsquo\;s Facul ty of Music and at the Royal Conservatory of Music.\n\n<strong>ABOUT:</str ong>\n\n&nbsp\;\n\nSince forming in 1998 and while rooted in the folk drum ming traditions of Japan\, Nagata Shachu's principal aim is to rejuvenate this ancient art form by producing innovative and exciting music (through concerts and workshops) that speaks to today&rsquo\;s audience and creates a new voice for the Taiko. Taking its name from founder Kiyoshi Nagata an d &lsquo\;shachu&rsquo\; (old term for a performing troupe)\, Nagata Shach u has toured throughout Canada\, the USA and Europe.\n\n<strong>For more a rtist information please visit:</strong>\n<a href="http://www.nagatashachu .com"></a>\n\\n\n&nbsp\;\n\nDrumhand.bandcamp. com\n DTSTAMP:20240601T132501Z SUMMARY:Nagata Shachu and DRUMHAND collaboration URL:/en/events/2017/06/10/nagata-shachu-and-drumhand-collaboration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR