BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190708T000000Z DTEND:20190712T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Program for children to explore Okinawan culture\, fami ly roots</strong>\n<strong> </strong>\n\nThe Okinawa Association of Americ a (OAA)&rsquo\;s &ldquo\;Camp Warabi&rdquo\; is a five-day summer program for 4th - 8th graders to learn about Okinawan culture\, arts\, and identit y. College-age counselors will be selected and trained to lead campers as each day will be filled with fun learning and connecting with one&rsquo\;s Okinawan roots. The program is set for July 8 (Monday) - 12 (Friday)\, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.\, at the OAA Center in Gardena\, California. <a href="https: // m-updated.pdf" target="_blank">Registration is required</a> to participate .\n\n<strong>Immersive learning &ndash\;&nbsp\;</strong>From traditional m usic to folk crafts\, campers will have the chance to learn about Okinawa. Activities include <em>eisaa</em> (traditional drum-dancing) lessons\, <e m>s</em><em>anshin</em> (traditional 3-stringed instrument) lessons\, lear ning simple words/phrases in the endangered Okinawan language\, Okinawa-in spired arts and crafts\, a youth-focused presentation about World War II&r squo\;s Battle of Okinawa\, and more.\n\n<strong>Fellowship &ndash\;&nbsp\ ;</strong>This program will provide the opportunity for campers to meet fe llow young Okinawans outside of their school and family circles and to dev elop their teamwork skills through engaging activities.\n\n<strong>Reflect ion &ndash\;&nbsp\;</strong>Okinawan culture and history will be connected to deeper topics such as ancestry\, nature\, and values. Additionally\, p resentations about community\, peace\, and immigration aim to explore inte rconnectedness. The program will schedule daily sustained silent writing f or campers to think about and expand on what they learned.\n\n<strong>Okin awan values and beliefs &ndash\; </strong>With each activity\, the program will explore the values and beliefs that are embedded in Okinawan culture including <em>&ldquo\;ichariba choodee&rdquo\;</em> (once we meet\, we&rs quo\;re family)\, <em>&ldquo\;yuimaaruu&rdquo\;</em> (helping each other i n the community)\, <em>&ldquo\;nuchi du takara&rdquo\;</em> (life is a tre asure)\, and others.\n\n<a href=" 19/03/camp-warabi-2019-registration-form-updated.pdf" target="_blank">Regi stration is required</a> due to limited space. The fee is $200 for OAA mem bers and $235 for non-OAA members (Deadline: June 14\, 2019). The fee will help to cover daily lunches\, snacks\, and drinks\; camper t-shirts\; and workshop materials. Please contact the OAA office (weekdays\, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) at or (310) 532-1929.\n\nThe Okinawa Associati on of America\, Inc. (OAA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicate d to preserving and promoting Okinawan culture in the greater Los Angeles area. Formed by Okinawan immigrants <em>(issei)</em> 110 years ago\, the O AA has grown into a multi-generational organization hosting numerous event s throughout the year including cultural lectures\, performances\, social gatherings\, and senior-focused activities. Join us as we celebrate OAA's SuperCentennial! For updates about SuperCentennial events including the Se ptember 1<sup>st</sup> concert by the Okinawa's renowned band\, Begin (ビ ギン)\, please visit <a href="" ta rget="_blank"></a> or <a href="https://faceb" target="_blank"></a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T111435Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Cultural Program for Children - CAMP WARABI URL:/en/events/2019/07/08/okinawan-cultural-program-for-children-camp-wara/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR