BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190808T000000Z DTEND:20190808T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Thursday\, August 8\, the Fukushima Support Committee and Co uncil for Pacific Asian Theology will host the third annual Unite for Peac e and Nuclear Justice - Hiroshima/Nagasaki Never Again. They invite commun ities to gather in Little Tokyo to commemorate the victims of all nuclear atrocities of the past and present and to take actions to bring the world a little closer to a nuclear-free future. This includes a &ldquo\;No War w ith/on Iran&rdquo\; petition drive to be delivered to Representative Jimmy Gomez\, for California&rsquo\;s 34th District\, which Little Tokyo is par t of.\n\nThe gathering will take place at Toriumi Plaza from 6:30 - 7:30 p .m.\, with a silent prayer at 7:02\, the exact time the atomic bomb explod ed over Nagasaki\, Japan on August 6\, 1945 (11:02 a.m.\, Japan time). The re will be a &ldquo\;Give Peace a Chance&rdquo\; sing-along\, candlelight procession\, prayers\, and inspiring speakers. Music will be provided by G OH (Goh Kurosawa).\n\n&ldquo\;We need you to be there because we are at &l squo\;two minutes to midnight\,&rsquo\;&rdquo\; organizer Tsukuru Lauritze n said\, &ldquo\;[that&rsquo\;s] closer than we&rsquo\;ve ever been since Hiroshima/Nagasaki to the possibility of another nuclear war.&rdquo\;\n\nP rayers will be offered by Reverend Peter Hata\, Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple\; Reverend Ryuzen Hayashi\, Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin\; Reverend Dick son Yagi\, Emeritus Professor of Christian Studies\, Seinan Gakuin Univers ity\, Fukuoka\, Japan.\n\nSpeakers include Michiko Kato\, Fukushima Surviv or\; Denise Duffield\, Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles\ ; Farideh Kioumehr\, Founder and Executive Director\, International Health and Epidemiology Center\; Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla\, Candidate for Congr ess in CA-34\; Hiroshima Jogakuin High School Students (Live from Hiroshim a\, Japan).\n\nToriumi Plaza is located at the northwest corner of E. 1st Street and San Pedro Street. Suggested parking at the Aiso Street Parking Garage\, 101 North Judge John Aiso Street.\n\nFor more information\, pleas e contact Tsukuru at or (323) 899-0463.\n\nTh is event is endorsed by Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA)\, Nikk ei for Civil Rights and Redress (NCRR)\, Nikkei Resisters\, Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles\, Peace Action\, Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Los Angeles\, International Health and Epidemio logy Research Center\, Veterans for Peace Los Angeles\, MLK Coalition of G reater Los Angeles\, Answer Coalition\, Party for Socialism and Liberation \, Southern California War Tax Resistance\, Friends of Chain Reaction\, Ho ly Faith Episcopal Church of Inglewood\, Topanga Peace Alliance\, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice\, Socialist Unity Party\, Interfaith Comm unities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP).\n DTSTAMP:20240601T105316Z SUMMARY:Unite for Peace and Nuclear Justice - Hiroshima/Nagasaki Never Agai n URL:/en/events/2019/08/08/unite-for-peace-and-nuclear-justice-hiroshimana/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR