BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201113T000000Z DTEND:20201223T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Equal Time</strong>\nOver the years\, my paintings have explored my Japanese Canadian identity. While earlier works reflected fee lings of ambivalence and discomfort with my ethnicity\, passing time has s lowly shaped my feelings into those of acceptance and a certain amount of pride. This gradual transformation is reflected in my art.\nWhile the esse nce of the theme has remained constant\, the manner in which it has been d ealt with has varied as I continually look for new ways to say the same th ing. The works in Equal Time\, produced between 2018 and 2020\, continue t he exploration of the Japanese Canadian theme but a new component\, the eq uilateral triangle\, has been integrated into some of the paintings. The t riangle was a calculated choice not only because of its appealing proporti ons and its potential to provide stability to a collection of diverse imag es but also because it seemed an appropriate symbol to represent tolerance and equality which was tragically absent in the history of the Japanese C anadians. Sadly\, racial intolerance still continues.\nAnother recent deve lopment is a brighter palette and a tighter integration of all the compone nts\, further illustrating my acknowledgement and acceptance of my dual he ritage and of having learned to embrace the beauty and the blending of two cultures. Underlying all of this is my recognition of the challenges my p arents&rsquo\; generation faced in their quest for equality\, for equal ti me.\n\n<span style="font-family: "><strong>Artist Norman Takeuchi</strong> \nBorn in Vancouver\, some of his earliest memories are of the interior of BC where his parents were forced to relocate during World War II. Ultimat ely graduating from the Vancouver School of Art in 1962\, he went to Londo n\, England\, to concentrate on painting\, and again in 1967 with a Canada Council grant. In 1996\, he left a design career to focus on art. He has since participated in many solo and group exhibitions. His work is represe nted in permanent collections of the Royal Ontario Museum\, Canadian War M useum\, Ottawa Art Gallery\, Canada Council Art Bank\, City of Ottawa\, Ca rleton University Art Gallery\, and in private collections in Canada and a broad.\n\\; gallery 613.800.1641\n\ngallery ce ll 613.355.0359&nbsp\;\n\ DTSTAMP:20240602T161601Z SUMMARY:EQUAL TIME Art Show in Ottawa\, ON URL:/en/events/2020/11/13/equal-time-art-show-in-ottawa-on/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR