BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220215T000000Z DTEND:20220215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Live Webinar\, Part of the Living Traditions Series\n\nTuesday\ , February 15\, 2022 at 7-8 pm EST (4-5 pm PST)\n\nhttps://www.japansociet\n\nJap anese pop culture\, symbolized by manga and anime\, has become an increasi ngly significant part of the cultural conversation across the globe. Julia Mechler\, manga creator and Content Production Group Manager at mixi\, in c.\, and Roland Kelts\, author of Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture H as Invaded the U.S.\, provide their insights into the current state of the industry\, from pen to paper to screen\, unpacking some of the latest tre nds and emerging technologies in Japanese pop culture. This webinar covers the historical development of manga and anime\, the global influence of o taku culture\, and what the future may bring inside and outside of Japan. Moderated by Bill Tsutsui\, author of Japanese Popular Culture and Globali zation\, the fifth and final event in our five-part Living Traditions webi nar series invites you on a journey into the sprawling Japanese pop cultur e grounded in a unique cultural DNA.\n\nPhoto by SeanPavonePhoto / iStock DTSTAMP:20240602T162317Z SUMMARY:Japanese Pop Culture: Connecting the World through Manga and Anime (ONLINE) URL:/en/events/2022/02/15/japanese-pop-culture-connecting-the-world-through / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR