BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220303T000000Z DTEND:20220303T000000Z DESCRIPTION:THE JAPANESE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF SAN JOSE IS EXCITED TO REOPEN O UR DOORS TO VISITORS ON MARCH 3\, 2022.\n\nEnhanced Personal Protection\n< ul><li><p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Vaccination requirements:\n\n<ul ><li><p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Guests under 5 years old are exemp t from vaccination requirements\n\n</li><li><p style="white-space: pre-wra p\;">Guests 5-18 are required to be<a href=" s/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html"><span style="text-decoration: u nderline\;"> fully vaccinated and boosted </a> and must present their phys ical or digital vaccination card.\n\n</li><li><p style="white-space: pre-w rap\;">Guests over the age of 18 are required to be <a href="https://www.c"><span style="t ext-decoration: underline\;">fully vaccinated and boosted </a> \, and must present their physical or digital vaccination card and a valid form of ID . \n\n</li></ul>\n\n</li><li><p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Face cove rings must be worn at all times in the Museum’s main building and Agricu ltural Display. \n\n</li><li><p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Distancin g of at least 6 feet must be practiced when possible\, except between memb ers of the same household.\n\n</li><li><p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;"> If you feel ill or have recently been exposed to someone who is ill\, plea se stay home. \n\n</li></ul>\n\nOTHER SAFETY MEASURES\n<p style="white-sp ace: pre-wrap\;">In addition to the safety measures listed above\, JAMsj h as upgraded our air filtration system with Merv-13 filters and\, weather p ermitting\, will open the doors of the Museum to facilitate air flow durin g open hours. \n\n<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Our volunteers and s taff have increased our cleaning and sanitizing protocol for high-contact areas and items such as pens\, doors\, and desk surfaces and are working h ard to keep everyone safe as we continue to navigate through the pandemic. \n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T112621Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Museum of San Jose URL:/en/events/2022/03/03/japanese-american-museum-of-san-jose/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR