BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221013T000000Z DTEND:20221013T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\n<em>Bac k by popular demand!</em>\n\nJoin the JANM Education Unit for this free <e m>virtual</em> educator workshop on using art to teach the Japanese Americ an WWII incarceration experience. JANM's collection of art includes thousa nds of individual pieces as well as large bodies of work by artists such a s Miné Okubo\, Henry Sugimoto\, Hisako Hibi\, and others. Join educators from across the country to learn about the lived experience of forced remo val and incarceration documented in these sketches\, paintings\, and drawi ngs\, as well as tools and strategies for integrating art interpretation i nto the study of the Japanese American WWII experience.\n\nIn this worksho p\, educators will:\n\n<ul><li>Learn from JANM’s extensive collection of art\,</li><li>Practice teaching strategies for using art interpretation i n the classroom to help students better understand the lived experience an d emotional impact of incarceration\,</li><li>Discover resources available for classroom use\, including a preview of JANM’s newest virtual visit offering\, <em>Through the Eyes of an Artist: Life in Camp</em></li></ul> \n\nThis program is presented in conjunction with JANM’s newest virtual visit offering <a href=""><em>Through t he Eyes of an Artist: Life in Camp</em></a>\, available now for students i n grades 9-12. All visits must be scheduled in advance using <a href="htt ps://">this form</a>.\n\n<stron g>Advance registration is required.</strong>\n\n<strong><a href="https://d -i5yqTw/viewform">RSVP Now</a></strong>\n\n<em>Photo credit: Gift of Madel eine Sugimoto and Naomi Tagawa\, Japanese American National Museum (92.97. 88)</em>\n DTSTAMP:20240609T063029Z SUMMARY:Virtual Educator Workshop—Teaching the Japanese American WWII Exp erience Through Art URL:/en/events/2022/10/13/virtual-educator-workshopteaching-the-japanese-am / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR