BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220811T000000Z DTEND:20220908T000000Z DESCRIPTION:We invite you to experience this extraordinary collection of pa intings from the artist's Japanese Tattoo series and Italian series\, crea ted during the 1970s and 1980s. \n\nAba Bayefsky was a Toronto artist (19 23-2001) was a Toronto-based artist who began drawing at the age of 16 in Kensington Market. He became an official War Artist with the Royal Canadia n Air Force (RCAF) in 1944 and an instructor at the Ontario College of Art (now Ontario College of Art and Design University) from 1957 to 1989\, in fluencing and inspiring generations of Canadian artists. Bayefsky was appo inted to the Order of Canada in 1979.\n\nGallery hours: Monday to Friday 1 0am to 5pm. (416) 789-7011 ex. 248 or\n\n<p st yle="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>Please join us for a closing reception on</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>Wednesday\, Septemb er 7th</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>6:30-8:30pm</st rong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>Light refreshments will b e served</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>RSVP Edra</st rong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong></ strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 90px\;"><strong>(647) 227-0011</strong> \n DTSTAMP:20240611T032110Z SUMMARY:Aba Bayefsky's Japanese Tattoo Art exhibition in Toronto URL:/en/events/2022/08/11/aba-bayefskys-japanese-tattoo-art-exhibition-in-t / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR