BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230523T000000Z DTEND:20230525T000000Z DESCRIPTION:We are pleased to inform you of the "Online Japanese College Fa ir Spring 2023" to be held May 23-25. \n\nMany Japanese universities welc ome students from abroad.  \n“English Admission System”\, "Scholarshi ps”\, "Fall Admission”\, ”English track courses” and various oth er systems for international students have been in place\, and many studen ts enter Japanese universities every year.  \n\nJapan's high level of sa fety and cleanliness is another reason international students choose to st udy in Japan.   \n\nThis year's fair will feature 16 universities that w elcome international students. \nJapanese language schools will also part icipate for those who wish to improve their Japanese language skills.    \n\nIn addition to the features and initiatives of each university\, they will provide you with the latest information for the 2024 admissions.  \n \nParticipation is free of charge.  \nAttached are detailed information.  \n\nYou can apply directly from here.  \n<a href="https://us-lighthous BoLohwHQLaAoi8xzeWBT3wwQ8fX7Ma3jbMRONYIYwDp6quX1G6oW6hR318BC8oaM1fGSJVzbF3 ZPHLO5gLM7du9vGQ88SmxbtCzrI8V33IDqiGDydsecyt4cI9qK8i-p_d7Vt7w7_qsvkpLmjj-F 8ickGGQWF7yRqXQHqVbac-g3bQ" target="_blank"> /en/event/shingakufair2023sp.html</a>   DTSTAMP:20240602T103824Z SUMMARY:【Japanese College Fair Online】Sophia\, ICU and more. 16 Univers ities Participating URL:/en/events/2023/05/23/japanese-college-fair-onlinesophia-icu-and-more/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR